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Using TailwindCSS with SvelteJS

Muhammad Muhajir on June 11, 2019

If you haven't check TailwindCSS, you might want to. I don't want to repeat the awesomeness here ðŸĪŠ TL;DR. Full implementation can be found on my G...
tompretty profile image
Tom Pretty

Hey thanks for this - super helpful! I'm running into an issue though when I use the svelte class shorthand:

class:active="{ current == me }"
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Purgecss ins't detected that I'm using the class active :(

collardeau profile image
Thomas Collardeau

This extractor is working for me, but I've not tested it thoroughly:

function extractor(content) {
  const matches = content.match(/[A-Za-z0-9-_:/]+/g) || [];
  const res = => {
    if (match.startsWith("class:")) {
      return match.split(":")[1];
    return match;
  return res;
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muhajirdev profile image
Muhammad Muhajir

Hey Tom,
I haven't tried it yet. It's probably related to the purgecss regex.

See more here: When the class name is not found anywhere in the source code. It will try to remove that code. Hence the class active is removed.

You can find the regex implementation in . in defaultExtractor part.

A quick solution for this it to put class "active" into whitelist.

Here's an example I whitelist "html", and "body" in nextjs-tailwind template

tompretty profile image
Tom Pretty


Yeah you're right it's an issue with the regex. It matches the whole string class:active. I tried to come up with a regex that could handle that but failed miserably! My current solution was to drop that svelte feature and use the classnames package to simplify optional classes.

I think whitelisting would work too, but I'm using tailwindcss so I was adding lots of classes like that. I didn't want have to keep addind lots of little utility classes to a whitelist.


collardeau profile image
Thomas Collardeau

I've noticed as soon as I import main.css, I lose the styles defined in my svelte components (using the style tag as normal). I don't mind so much as I prefer to do all my styling with Tailwind and using apply, but is that to be expected? Just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong.

collardeau profile image
Thomas Collardeau

I've actually solved this, so the Svelte styles work as normal alongside Tailwind:

  • in rollup.config.js give a name to the extracted CSS so it doesn't clash with the CSS generated by Svelte, for example:
postcss({ extract: "public/tailwind.css" })
  • link that CSS from public/index.html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tailwind.css" />

  • add public/tailwind.css to .gitignore
aresinodev profile image
AarÃģn Resino JimÃĐnez

Thank you for this tutorial. I have a problem.
I'm trying to create my own classes in tailwind so I can apply them. I created the file 'tailwind.config.js', and imported it into 'postcss.config.js' as follows:


I try to apply the added class in the tailwind.config.js file in HTML and it doesn't apply. Could you tell me how to make it work?

Thank you so much.

jsjoeio profile image
Joe Previte (he/him)

Thanks a bunch for writing this! It was super easy to follow :)

One note: I ran into an issue with PostCSS and autoprefixer. I had to downgrade autoprefixer from v10 to v9.8.6.


quantuminformation profile image

found it

templates now use public/build/bundle.js

_darrenburns profile image
Darren Burns

This was really helpful, thanks so much!!

muhajirdev profile image
Muhammad Muhajir

You're welcome

quantuminformation profile image

Is is the same setup for sapper more or less?

muhajirdev profile image
Muhammad Muhajir

i haven't tried yet with sapper unfortunately :).

Probably similar, just take a look at config file , postcss and rollup

alexanderalemayhu profile image
Alexander Alemayhu

This post made it easy to update a Svelte app for experimenting withTailwind CSS, thanks 👍ðŸū

muhajirdev profile image
Muhammad Muhajir

you're welcome

marshyon profile image
jon brookes

sadly this does not seem to work at time of writing this comment any longer due to - apparent issues with rollup

simeydotme profile image
Simon Goellner

thanks so much, I struggled to get this working on my own... all the info from the libraries/frameworks seems 90% complete

muhajirdev profile image
Muhammad Muhajir

Glad to hear it helps you :)

mrsamroy profile image
Sam Roy

Here's an implementation of TailwindCss and Svelte...nicely name Smelte!