DEV Community

Muhammad Said Arrafi
Muhammad Said Arrafi

Posted on

Redux VS Zustand

Zustand VS Redux


  1. Simplicy
    Zustand offers an uncomplicated and lightweight library that is conveniently adaptable for small projects, while Redux provides a more robust and feature-loaded solution best suited for large applications

  2. BundleSize (304kb)

    • 1. presist
    • 2. devtols
    • 3. midleware

Zustand size in NPM


  1. ecosystem
  2. Server Side Issue ( Because Requires function component )
  3. Requires function component


  1. Many Ecosystem
  2. State stored in a single object tree (centered)
  3. Easy to debug
  4. State is predictable
  5. You can log everything
  6. Granular updates


  1. Complex
    Redux is known for its robust ecosystem and extensive set of middleware and tooling. However, it requires more boilerplate code to set up and manage the store, actions, and reducers

  2. bundleSize

    • redux: 176 kB
    • react-redux: 740 kB
    • toal: 916 kB

Redux Size in NPM

React-redux size in NPM

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