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How to Solve the 'setState is not a function' Error in React

  • The setState function is an important method in React that is used to update the state of a component. However, sometimes you may encounter an error that says "setState is not a function". This error occurs when you try to call setState on a component that is not a class component or when the this keyword is not properly bound to the component's instance. Here are some ways to solve this error:

(1) Make sure your component is a class component: setState is a method that is only available in class components. If you are using a functional component, you can convert it to a class component by using the class keyword and extending the React.Component class.
(2) Bind the this keyword to the component's instance: When using setState in a class component, it is important to bind the this keyword to the component's instance. This can be done in the constructor of the
component by using the bind method:

constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
    // initial state
  this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
handleChange() {
  this.setState({ // update state });
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(3) Check the spelling of setState: Make sure that you are spelling setState correctly and that it is not a typo.
(4) Check the scope of setState: Make sure that you are calling setState within the scope of the component's instance. For example, if you are passing a function as a prop to a child component and that function calls setState, the this keyword may not be properly bound to the component's instance, causing the error.
By following these steps, you should be able to solve the setState is not a function error in your React application.

Top comments (2)

ajaz profile image

@munavvar can you please write article on promises in Javascript.

Thanks In Advance.

codeofaccuracy profile image
Code Of Accuracy

Thanks @munavvar for Sharing this Useful Article.