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Mustafa Turan
Mustafa Turan

Posted on

Persisting event data to Postgres using GenStage and EventBus

One of the ways to consume EventBus events is implementing GenStage consumers. GenStage handles backpressure easily with configurable workers. event_bus_postgres library uses GenStage to persist event_bus events to postgres DB with batch insert.

How it works

|     |                                         GEN STAGE
|     |        EVENTBUS      +------------------------------------------+
|     |        CONSUMER      |                   +---+                  |
|     |        +-----+       |                   |   |                  |
|     |        |     |       |                   |   |          +---+   |
|     |        |  E  |       |                   |   |          |   |   |
|     |        |  v  |       |                   |   |          |   |   |
|     |        |  e  |       |                   |   |          |   |   |
|  E  |        |  n  |       |                   | E |          |   |   |
|  l  |        |  t  |       |  +-------+        | v |          |   |   |
|  i  | topic  |  B  |  topic   |       |        | e |          |   |
|  x  |   +    |  u  |    +     |   Q   |        | n |          | B |       +--+
|  i  |event_id|  s  | event_id |   u   |   ask  | t |    ask   | u |       |  |
|  r  |------->|  .  |--------->|   e   |<-------|   | <--------| c | BATCH |  |
|     |        |  P  |          |   u   |------->| M | -------->| k |------>|DB|
|  E  |        |  o  |          |   e   |   pull | a |    pull  | e | INSERT|  |
|  v  |        |  s  |          |       |        | p |          | t |       |  |
|  e  |        |  t  |       |  +-------+        | p |          |   |   |   +--+
|  n  |        |  g  |       |  GENSTAGE         | e |          |   |   |
|  t  |        |  r  |       |  PRODUCER         | r |          |   |   |
|  B  |        |  e  |       |                   |   |          |   |   |
|  u  |        |  s  |       |                   |   |          |   |   |
|  s  |        +-----+       |                   |   |          |   |   |
|     |<-----------------------------------------|   |          +---+   |
|     |                      |    fetch_event/1  |   |         CONSUMER |
|     |                      |                   |   |                  |
+-----+                      |                   +---+                  |
                             |                  CONSUMER                |
                             |                  PRODUCER                |
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Message bus for Elixir; it publishes event_id and topic data to topic subscribers.

Message bus event consumer; it pushes event_id and topic to the EventBus.Postgres.Queue

GenStage producer; it is a simple queue implementaion

GenStage producer-consumer; it pulls/dequeues from EventBus.Postgres.Queue, and fetch original event from EventBus and then convert data into Ecto model.

GenStage consumer; it pulls/dequeues from EventBus.Postgres.EventMapper and batch insert data to Postgres DB.

Source code:

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