The Linux directory structure is hierarchical and follows a well-defined organization that helps manage the file system and its components. Here's an overview of the key directories and their purposes:
- /bin: This directory contains essential binary files, which are required for system booting and repair. These binaries are available to all users and are needed for basic system functionality.
Try to YourSelf:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /bin
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/bin$ ls
'[' gcc-nm mimetype shasum
aa-enabled gcc-nm-11 min12xxw shotwell
aa-exec gcc-ranlib mispipe showconsolefont
aa-features-abi gcc-ranlib-11 mkdir showkey
ab gcore mkfifo showrgb
aconnect gcov mkfontdir shred
acpi_listen gcov-11 mkfontscale shuf
add-apt-repository gcov-dump mkisofs sigtool
addpart gcov-dump-11 mk_modmap simple-scan
addr2line gcov-tool mknod simplescreenrecorder
airscan-discover gcov-tool-11 mksquashfs size
alacarte gcr-viewer mktemp skill
alsabat gdb mkzftree slabtop
alsaloop gdb-add-index mmcli sleep
alsamixer gdbtui mmdbresolve slogin
alsatplg gdbus mokutil slxdecode
alsaucm gdbus-codegen monitor-sensor smproxy
amidi gdialog more snap
amixer gdk-pixbuf-csource mount snapctl
apg gdk-pixbuf-pixdata mountpoint snapfuse
apgbfm gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer mousetweaks snice
aplay gdmflexiserver mscompress socat
aplaymidi gdm-screenshot msexpand soelim
apport-bug gedit msiexec soffice
apport-cli gencat msiexec-development software-properties-gtk
apport-collect genisoimage msiexec-stable sort
apport-unpack geod msql2mysql sotruss
appres geqn mt spa-acp-tool
appstreamcli GET mt-gnu spa-inspect
apropos getconf mtr spa-json-dump
apt geteltorito mtrace spa-monitor
apt-add-repository getent mtr-packet spa-resample
apt-cache getfacl mv spd-conf
apt-cdrom getkeycodes myisamchk spd-say
apt-config getopt myisam_ftdump spdsend
aptdcon gettext myisamlog speaker-test
apt-extracttemplates myisampack speech-dispatcher
apt-ftparchive ghostscript my_print_defaults speedometer
apt-get gie mysql speedtest
aptitude ginstall-info mysqlaccess speedtest-cli
aptitude-changelog-parser gio mysqladmin spice-vdagent
aptitude-create-state-bundle gio-querymodules mysqlanalyze splain
aptitude-curses gipddecode mysqlbinlog split
aptitude-run-state-bundle git mysqlcheck splitfont
apt-key git-receive-pack mysql_convert_table_format sponge
apt-mark git-shell mysqld_multi sprof
apt-sortpkgs git-upload-archive mysqld_safe sqfscat
apturl git-upload-pack mysqld_safe_helper sqfstar
apturl-gtk gjs mysqldump ss
ar gjs-console mysqldumpslow ssh
arborist gkbd-keyboard-display mysql_find_rows ssh-add
arch glib-compile-resources mysql_fix_extensions ssh-agent
arecord glib-compile-schemas mysqlhotcopy ssh-argv0
arecordmidi glib-genmarshal mysqlimport ssh-copy-id
aria_chk glib-gettextize mysql_install_db ssh-import-id
aria_dump_log glib-mkenums mysqloptimize ssh-import-id-gh
aria_ftdump gmake mysql_plugin ssh-import-id-lp
aria_pack gnome-calculator mysqlrepair ssh-keygen
aria_read_log gnome-calendar mysqlreport ssh-keyscan
arm2hpdl gnome-characters mysql_secure_installation sshpass
as gnome-control-center mysql_setpermission ssr-glinject
aseqdump gnome-disk-image-mounter mysqlshow start-pulseaudio-x11
aseqnet gnome-disks mysqlslap startx
aspell gnome-extensions mysql_tzinfo_to_sql stat
aspell-import gnome-flashback mysql_upgrade static-sh
at gnome-font-viewer mysql_waitpid stdbuf
atobm gnome-help mytop strace
atop gnome-keyring namei strace-log-merge
atopcat gnome-keyring-3 nano streamzip
atopconvert gnome-keyring-daemon nautilus strings
atopsar gnome-language-selector nautilus-autorun-software strip
atq gnome-logs nautilus-sendto stty
atrm gnome-panel nawk su
avahi-browse gnome-power-statistics nc sudo
avahi-browse-domains gnome-session ncal sudoedit
avahi-publish gnome-session-custom-session nc.openbsd sudoreplay
avahi-publish-address gnome-session-inhibit ncurses5-config sum
avahi-publish-service gnome-session-properties ncurses6-config switcherooctl
avahi-resolve gnome-session-quit ncursesw5-config sync
avahi-resolve-address gnome-shell ncursesw6-config system-config-printer
avahi-resolve-host-name gnome-shell-extension-tool neqn system-config-printer-applet
avahi-set-host-name gnome-shell-perf-tool netcat systemctl
avinfo gnome-system-monitor netExtenderGui systemd
awk gnome-terminal netstat systemd-analyze
axfer gnome-terminal.real networkctl systemd-ask-password
b2sum gnome-terminal.wrapper networkd-dispatcher systemd-cat
baobab gnome-text-editor newgrp systemd-cgls
base32 gnome-thumbnail-font NF systemd-cgtop
base64 gnome-todo nfc systemd-cryptenroll
basename gnome-www-browser ng systemd-delta
basenc gobject-query ngettext systemd-detect-virt
bash gold ng-latin systemd-escape
bashbug google-chrome nice systemd-hwdb
batch google-chrome-stable nisdomainname systemd-id128
bc gpasswd nl systemd-inhibit
bdftopcf gpg nm systemd-machine-id-setup
bdftruncate gpg2 nm-applet systemd-mount
bitmap gpg-agent nmcli systemd-notify
bluemoon gpgcompose nm-connection-editor systemd-path
bluetooth gpgconf nm-online systemd-run
bluetoothctl gpg-connect-agent nmtui systemd-socket-activate
bluetooth-sendto gpgparsemail nmtui-connect systemd-stdio-bridge
bmon gpgsm nmtui-edit systemd-sysext
bmtoa gpgsplit nmtui-hostname systemd-sysusers
boltctl gpgtar node systemd-tmpfiles
bootctl gpgv node-coveralls systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
brltty gpg-wks-server node-gyp systemd-umount
brltty-ctb gpg-zip nodejs tabs
brltty-trtxt gpic nohup tac
brltty-ttb gprof notify-send tail
broadwayd gpu-manager npm tap
browse grdctl npm-arborist tap-mocha-reporter
btattach grep npm-packlist tap-parser
btmgmt gresource nproc tar
btmon groff npx taskset
btop grog nroff tbl
bunzip2 grops nsenter tclsh
busctl grotty nslookup tclsh8.6
busybox groups nspr-config tcpdump
bwrap grub-editenv nss-config tee
byobu grub-file nstat telnet
byobu-config grub-fstest nsupdate telnet.netkit
byobu-ctrl-a grub-glue-efi ntfs-3g tempfile
byobu-disable grub-kbdcomp ntfs-3g.probe test
byobu-disable-prompt grub-menulst2cfg ntfscat text2pcap
byobu-enable grub-mkfont ntfscluster thunderbird
byobu-enable-prompt grub-mkimage ntfscmp tic
byobu-export grub-mklayout ntfsdecrypt tificc
byobu-janitor grub-mknetdir ntfsfallocate time
byobu-keybindings grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 ntfsfix timedatectl
byobu-launch grub-mkrelpath ntfsinfo timeout
byobu-launcher grub-mkrescue ntfsls tldr
byobu-launcher-install grub-mkstandalone ntfsmove tldr-hs
byobu-launcher-uninstall grub-mount ntfsrecover tload
byobu-layout grub-ntldr-img ntfssecaudit tlp-rdw
byobu-prompt grub-render-label ntfstruncate tlp-stat
byobu-quiet grub-script-check ntfsusermap tmux
byobu-reconnect-sockets grub-syslinux2cfg ntfswipe tnftp
byobu-screen gs numfmt toe
byobu-select-backend gsbj nvidia-detector top
byobu-select-profile gsdj oakdecode totem
byobu-select-session gsdj500 obexctl totem-video-thumbnailer
byobu-shell gsettings objcopy touch
byobu-silent gslj objdump tput
byobu-status gslp obs tr
byobu-status-detail gsnd obs-ffmpeg-mux tracepath
byobu-tmux gst-device-monitor-1.0 oclock tracker3
byobu-ugraph gst-discoverer-1.0 od transicc
byobu-ulevel gst-inspect-1.0 oem-getlogs transmission-gtk
bzcat gst-launch-1.0 on_ac_power transset
bzcmp gst-play-1.0 oomctl tree
bzdiff gstreamer-codec-install open troff
bzegrep gst-stats-1.0 opener true
bzexe gst-tester-1.0 openssl truncate
bzfgrep gst-typefind-1.0 openvt trust
bzgrep gtbl opldecode ts
bzip2 gtester orca tset
bzip2recover gtester-report orca-dm-wrapper tsort
bzless gtf os-prober tty
bzmore gtk4-builder-tool p11-kit tzselect
c++ gtk4-encode-symbolic-svg pacat ua
c89 gtk4-launch pack200 ubuntu-advantage
c89-gcc gtk4-query-settings pacmd ubuntu-bug
c99 gtk4-update-icon-cache pacote ubuntu-core-launcher
c99-gcc gtk-builder-tool pactl ubuntu-distro-info
cal gtk-encode-symbolic-svg padsp ubuntu-drivers
calibrate_ppa gtk-launch pager ubuntu-report
canberra-gtk-play gtk-query-settings pa-info ubuntu-security-status
cancel gtk-update-icon-cache pamon ucf
capinfos gunzip paperconf ucfq
captoinfo gyp paplay ucfr
captype gzexe parallel uclampset
cat gzip parec ucs2any
catman h2ph parecord udevadm
cautious-launcher h2xs partx udisksctl
cc hardlink passwd udo
cct hbpldecode paste ul
ccze hciattach pastebinit umax_pp
ccze-cssdump hciconfig pasteurize umount
cd-create-profile hcitool pasuspender uname
cd-fix-profile hd patch unattended-upgrade
cd-iccdump head pathchk unattended-upgrades
cd-it8 HEAD pax11publish uncompress
c++filt helpztags pbget unexpand
cgi-fcgi hex2hcd pbput unicode_start
chacl hexdump pbputs unicode_stop
chage hipercdecode pdb3 uniq
chardet hollywood pdb3.10 unity-scope-loader
chardetect host pdf2dsc unlink
chattr hostid pdf2ps unlzma
chcon hostname pdfattach unmkinitramfs
checkgid hostnamectl pdfdetach unopkg
check-language-support hp-align pdffonts unpack200
cheese hp-check pdfimages unshare
chfn hp-clean pdfinfo unsquashfs
chgrp hp-colorcal pdfseparate unxz
chmod hp-config_usb_printer pdfsig unzip
choom hp-doctor pdftocairo unzipsfx
chown hp-firmware pdftohtml unzstd
chronic hp-info pdftoppm update-alternatives
chrt hp-levels pdftops updatedb
chsh hp-logcapture pdftotext update-desktop-database
chvt hp-makeuri pdfunite update-manager
ciptool hp-pkservice pee update-mime-database
ckbcomp hp-plugin peekfd update-notifier
cksum hp-plugin-ubuntu perl upower
clambc hp-probe perl5.34.0 uptime
clamscan hp-query perl5.34-x86_64-linux-gnu usb-creator-gtk
clamsubmit hp-scan perlbug usb-devices
clear hp-setup perldoc usbhid-dump
clear_console hp-testpage perli11ndoc usb_printerid
cmatrix hp-timedate perlivp usbreset
cmp htcacheclean perlthanks users
code htdbm perror utmpdump
codepage htdigest pf2afm uuidgen
col htop pfbtopfa uuidparse
col1 htpasswd pgrep VBox
col2 hwe-support-status phar vboxautostart
col3 i386 phar7.4 VBoxAutostart
col4 ibus phar7.4.phar vboxballoonctrl
col5 ibus-daemon phar8.2 VBoxBalloonCtrl
col6 ibus-setup phar8.2.phar vboxbugreport
col7 ibus-table-createdb phar.phar VBoxBugReport
col8 iceauth phar.phar7.4 VBoxDTrace
col9 ico phar.phar8.2 vboxheadless
colcrt iconv php VBoxHeadless
colormgr id php7.4 vbox-img
colrm iecset php8.2 vboximg-mount
column ifdata pic vboxmanage
combine ifne pico VBoxManage
comm ijs_pxljr piconv vboxsdl
compose im-config pidof VBoxSDL
corelist im-launch pidwait vboxwebsrv
cp indicator-stickynotes pinentry vdir
cpan info pinentry-curses vi
cpan5.34-x86_64-linux-gnu infobrowser pinentry-gnome3 vidir
cpio infocmp pinentry-x11 view
cpp infotocap ping viewres
cpp-11 innochecksum ping4 vigpg
cpufreq-selector innotop ping6 vim
c_rehash inputattach pinky vim.basic
crontab install pipewire vimdiff
cs2cs install-info pipewire-media-session vim.tiny
csplit install-printerdriver pkaction vimtutor
ctags instmodsh pkcheck vipe
ctags.emacs intel-virtual-output pkcon virtualbox
ctail invgeod pkexec VirtualBox
ctstat invproj pkill virtualboxvm
cupstestppd ionice pkmon VirtualBoxVM
curl ip pkttyagent vmstat
cut ipcmk pl2pm vmwarectrl
cvt ipcrm pldd vstp
cvtsudoers ipcs plocate w
dash ipod-read-sysinfo-extended plog wall
date ipod-time-sync plymouth watch
dbilogstrip ippfind pmap watchgnupg
dbiprof ipptool pnm2ppa wc
dbiproxy iptables-xml pod2html wdctl
dbus-cleanup-sockets ischroot pod2man wget
dbus-daemon isdv4-serial-debugger pod2text whatis
dbus-monitor isdv4-serial-inputattach pod2usage whereis
dbus-run-session isodump podchecker which
dbus-send isoinfo poff which.debianutils
dbus-update-activation-environment isovfy pon whiptail
dbus-uuidgen ispell-wrapper POST who
dbxtool isutf8 powerprofilesctl whoami
dc jaotc ppdc whoopsie
dconf jar ppdhtml whoopsie-preferences
dd jarsigner ppdi wifi
ddstdecode java ppdmerge wifi-status
deallocvt javac ppdpo wine
debconf javadoc pphs wine64
debconf-apt-progress javap pr wine64-development
debconf-communicate jcmd precat wine64-stable
debconf-copydb jconsole preconv wineboot
debconf-escape jdb preunzip wineboot-development
debconf-set-selections jdeprscan prezip wineboot-stable
debconf-show jdeps prezip-bin winecfg
debian-distro-info jenkins print winecfg-development
deb-systemd-helper jexec printafm winecfg-stable
deb-systemd-invoke jfr printenv wineconsole
deja-dup jhsdb printer-profile wineconsole-development
delpart jimage printf wineconsole-stable
delv jinfo prlimit winedbg
desktop-file-edit jjs pro winedbg-development
desktop-file-install jlink procan winedbg-stable
desktop-file-validate jmap proj wine-development
devdump jmod projinfo winefile
df join projsync winefile-development
dfu-tool journalctl prove winefile-stable
dh_bash-completion jp2a prtstat winepath
dh_installxmlcatalogs jpgicc ps winepath-development
dh_perl_dbi jps ps2ascii winepath-stable
dh_perl_openssl jrunscript ps2epsi wineserver
diff js ps2pdf wineserver-development
diff3 jshell ps2pdf12 wineserver-stable
dig json_pp ps2pdf13 wine-stable
dir jsonschema ps2pdf14 wireshark
dircolors jstack ps2pdfwr word-list-compress
dirmngr jstat ps2ps wpa_passphrase
dirmngr-client jstatd ps2ps2 write
dirname js-yaml ps2txt write.ul
dirsplit JxrDecApp psfaddtable wscat
distro-info JxrEncApp psfgettable wsrep_sst_backup
dmesg kbdinfo psfstriptable wsrep_sst_common
dnsdomainname kbd_mode psfxtable wsrep_sst_mariabackup
domainname kbxutil psicc wsrep_sst_mysqldump
do-release-upgrade keep-one-running pslog wsrep_sst_rsync
dpkg kernel-install pstree wsrep_sst_rsync_wan
dpkg-architecture kerneloops-submit pstree.x11 wwan
dpkg-buildflags keyring ptar X
dpkg-buildpackage keytool ptardiff X11
dpkg-checkbuilddeps kill ptargrep x11perf
dpkg-deb killall ptx x11perfcomp
dpkg-distaddfile kmod pulseaudio x86_64
dpkg-divert kmodsign purge-old-kernels x86_64-linux-gnu-addr2line
dpkg-genbuildinfo l2ping pw-cat x86_64-linux-gnu-ar
dpkg-genchanges l2test pw-cli x86_64-linux-gnu-as
dpkg-gencontrol laptop-detect pwd x86_64-linux-gnu-c++filt
dpkg-gensymbols last pw-dot x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp
dpkg-maintscript-helper lastb pw-dsdplay x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp-11
dpkg-mergechangelogs lastlog pw-dump x86_64-linux-gnu-dwp
dpkg-name lavadecode pwdx x86_64-linux-gnu-elfedit
dpkg-parsechangelog lcf pw-link x86_64-linux-gnu-g++
dpkg-query lckdo pw-loopback x86_64-linux-gnu-g++-11
dpkg-realpath ld pw-metadata x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc
dpkg-scanpackages ld.bfd pw-mididump x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-11
dpkg-scansources ldd pw-midiplay x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ar
dpkg-shlibdeps pw-midirecord x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ar-11
dpkg-source less pw-mon x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-nm
dpkg-split lessecho pw-play x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-nm-11
dpkg-statoverride lessfile pw-profiler x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib
dpkg-trigger lesskey pw-record x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib-11
dpkg-vendor lesspipe pw-reserve x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov
driverless lexgrog pw-top x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-11
driverless-fax libnetcfg pw-v4l2 x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump
du libreoffice py3clean x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump-11
dumpcap libwacom-list-devices py3compile x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool
dumpkeys libwacom-list-local-devices py3versions x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool-11
duplicity libwacom-show-stylus pydoc3 x86_64-linux-gnu-gold
dvipdf libwacom-update-db pydoc3.10 x86_64-linux-gnu-gprof
dwp link pygettext3 x86_64-linux-gnu-ld
ebrowse linkicc pygettext3.10 x86_64-linux-gnu-ld.bfd
ebrowse.emacs linux32 python3
echo linux64 python3.10 x86_64-linux-gnu-lto-dump-11
ed linux-boot-prober python3-futurize x86_64-linux-gnu-nm
edit linux-check-removal python3-pasteurize x86_64-linux-gnu-objcopy
editcap linux-update-symlinks pzstd x86_64-linux-gnu-objdump
editor linux-version qpdldecode x86_64-linux-gnu-ranlib
editres listres qrcode-terminal x86_64-linux-gnu-readelf
efibootdump ln qt-faststart x86_64-linux-gnu-size
efibootmgr lnstat quirks-handler x86_64-linux-gnu-strings
egrep loadkeys randpkt x86_64-linux-gnu-strip
eject loadunimap ranlib xargs
elfedit localc rawshark xauth
emacs locale rbash xbiff
emacsclient locale-check rcp xbrlapi
emacsclient.emacs localectl rctest xcalc
emacs-gtk localedef rdiffdir xclipboard
enc2xs locate rdma xclock
encguess lodraw readelf xcmsdb
enchant-2 loffice readlink xconsole
enchant-lsmod-2 lofromtemplate realpath xcursorgen
env logger red xcutsel
envsubst login regedit xdg-dbus-proxy
eog loginctl regedit-development xdg-desktop-icon
eps2eps logname regedit-stable xdg-desktop-menu
eqn logresolve regsvr32 xdg-email
errno loimpress regsvr32-development xdg-icon-resource
esc-m lomath regsvr32-stable xdg-mime
esparse look remmina xdg-open
esvalidate loweb remmina-file-wrapper xdg-screensaver
etags lowntfs-3g remmina-gnome xdg-settings
etags.emacs lowriter rendercheck xdg-user-dir
eutp lp renice xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update
evince lpoptions reordercap xdg-user-dirs-update
evince-previewer lpq replace xditview
evince-thumbnailer lpr reset xdpyinfo
ex lprm resizecons xdriinfo
expand lp_solve resizepart xedit
expiry lpstat resolvectl Xephyr
expr ls resolveip xev
factor lsattr resolve_stack_dump xeyes
faillog lsblk rev xfd
faked-sysv lsb_release rfcomm xfontsel
faked-tcp lscpu rgrep xgamma
fakeroot lshw rhythmbox xgc
fakeroot-sysv lsinitramfs rhythmbox-client xhost
fakeroot-tcp lsipc rimraf xinit
fallocate lslocks rlogin xinput
false lslogins rm xkbbell
fc-cache lsmem rmdir xkbcomp
fc-cat lsmod rmic xkbevd
fc-conflist lsns rmid xkbprint
fcgistarter lsof rmiregistry xkbvleds
fc-list lspci rnano xkbwatch
fc-match lspgpot rotatelogs xkeystone
fc-pattern lsusb routef xkill
fc-query lto-dump-11 routel xload
fc-scan luit rpcgen xlogo
fc-validate lwp-download rrsync xlsatoms
ffmpeg lwp-dump rsh xlsclients
ffplay lwp-mirror rstart xlsfonts
ffprobe lwp-request rstartd xmag
fgconsole lzcat rsync xman
fgrep lzcmp rsync-ssl xmessage
filan lzdiff rtstat xmlcatalog
file lzegrep runcon xmllint
file2brl lzfgrep run-mailcap xmodmap
file-roller lzgrep run-on-ac xmore
fim lzless run-on-bat Xorg
fimgs lzma run-one xprop
fincore lzmainfo run-one-constantly xqxdecode
find lzmore run-one-until-failure xrandr
findmnt m17n-db run-one-until-success xrdb
firefox m2300w run-parts xrefresh
firewall-cmd m2300w-wrapper run-this-one x-session-manager
firewall-offline-cmd m2400w run-with-aspell xset
flock make rview xsetmode
fmt make-first-existing-target rvim xsetpointer
fold mako-render rygel xsetroot
fonttosfnt man rzsh xsetwacom
foo2ddst mandb sane-find-scanner xsm
foo2ddst-wrapper manifest sassc xstdcmap
foo2hbpl2 manpath savelog xsubpp
foo2hbpl2-wrapper man-recode sbattach x-terminal-emulator
foo2hiperc mapscrn sbkeysync xvidtune
foo2hiperc-wrapper mariadb sbsiglist xvinfo
foo2hp mariadb-access sbsign Xwayland
foo2hp2600-wrapper mariadb-admin sbvarsign xwd
foo2lava mariadb-analyze sbverify x-window-manager
foo2lava-wrapper mariadb-binlog scanimage xwininfo
foo2oak mariadb-check scp xwud
foo2oak-wrapper mariadbcheck scp-dbus-service x-www-browser
foo2qpdl mariadb-conv screendump xxd
foo2qpdl-wrapper mariadb-convert-table-format script xz
foo2slx mariadbd-multi scriptlive xzcat
foo2slx-wrapper mariadbd-safe scriptreplay xzcmp
foo2xqx mariadbd-safe-helper sdiff xzdiff
foo2xqx-wrapper mariadb-dump sdptool xzegrep
foo2zjs mariadb-dumpslow seahorse xzfgrep
foo2zjs-icc2ps mariadb-find-rows sed xzgrep
foo2zjs-pstops mariadb-fix-extensions see xzless
foo2zjs-wrapper mariadb-hotcopy select-default-iwrap xzmore
foomatic-rip mariadb-import select-editor yelp
fprintd-delete mariadb-install-db semver yes
fprintd-enroll mariadb-optimize sensible-browser ypdomainname
fprintd-list mariadb-plugin sensible-editor zcat
fprintd-verify mariadb-repair sensible-pager zcmp
free mariadb-report seq zdiff
freshclam mariadb-secure-installation serialver zdump
ftp mariadb-service-convert session-migration zegrep
funzip mariadb-setpermission sessreg zenity
fuser mariadb-show setarch zfgrep
fusermount mariadb-slap setfacl zforce
fusermount3 mariadb-tzinfo-to-sql setfont zgrep
futurize mariadb-upgrade setkeycodes zip
fwupdagent mariadb-waitpid setleds zipcloak
fwupdate mawk setlogcons zipdetails
fwupdmgr mcookie setmetamode zipgrep
fwupdtool md5sum setpci zipinfo
g++ md5sum.textutils setpriv zipnote
g++-11 mdig setsid zipsplit
galera_new_cluster melt setterm zjsdecode
galera_recovery melt-7 setupcon zless
gamemoded memusage setxkbmap zmore
gamma4scanimage memusagestat sftp znew
gapplication mergecap sg zrun
gatttool sh zsh
gawk mesg sha1sum zsh5
gcalccmd metacity sha224sum zstd
gcc metacity-message sha256sum zstdcat
gcc-11 metacity-theme-viewer sha384sum zstdgrep
gcc-ar migrate-pubring-from-classic-gpg sha512sum zstdless
gcc-ar-11 mimeopen sharkd zstdmt
- /boot: The boot directory contains files necessary for the boot process, including the Linux kernel, initial RAM disk (initramfs), and bootloader configurations. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /boot
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/boot$ ls
config-5.19.0-50-generic initrd.img memtest86+.bin vmlinuz.old
config-6.2.0-26-generic initrd.img-5.19.0-50-generic memtest86+.elf vmlinuz
efi initrd.img-6.2.0-26-generic memtest86+_multiboot.bin vmlinuz-5.19.0-50-generic
grub initrd.img.old vmlinuz-6.2.0-26-generic
- /dev: This directory contains device files representing various hardware devices or pseudo-devices. These files provide a way for applications to communicate with hardware. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /dev
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/dev$ ls
acpi_thermal_rel fb0 i2c-4 loop17 loop35 mqueue rtc tty17 tty35 tty53 ttyS12 ttyS30 vcs1 vfio
autofs fd i2c-5 loop18 loop36 mtd0 rtc0 tty18 tty36 tty54 ttyS13 ttyS31 vcs2 vga_arbiter
block full i2c-6 loop19 loop37 mtd0ro shm tty19 tty37 tty55 ttyS14 ttyS4 vcs3 vhci
btrfs-control fuse i2c-7 loop2 loop38 net snapshot tty2 tty38 tty56 ttyS15 ttyS5 vcs4 vhost-net
bus gpiochip0 i2c-8 loop20 loop39 ng0n1 snd tty20 tty39 tty57 ttyS16 ttyS6 vcs5 vhost-vsock
char hidraw0 i2c-9 loop21 loop4 null stderr tty21 tty4 tty58 ttyS17 ttyS7 vcs6 video0
console hpet initctl loop22 loop40 nvme0 stdin tty22 tty40 tty59 ttyS18 ttyS8 vcsa video1
core hugepages input loop23 loop41 nvme0n1 stdout tty23 tty41 tty6 ttyS19 ttyS9 vcsa1 zero
cpu hwrng kmsg loop24 loop42 nvme0n1p1 tpm0 tty24 tty42 tty60 ttyS2 udmabuf vcsa2 zfs
cpu_dma_latency i2c-0 kvm loop25 loop5 nvme0n1p2 tpmrm0 tty25 tty43 tty61 ttyS20 uhid vcsa3
cuse i2c-1 log loop26 loop6 nvme0n1p3 tty tty26 tty44 tty62 ttyS21 uinput vcsa4
disk i2c-10 loop0 loop27 loop7 nvme0n1p4 tty0 tty27 tty45 tty63 ttyS22 urandom vcsa5
dma_heap i2c-11 loop1 loop28 loop8 nvram tty1 tty28 tty46 tty7 ttyS23 userfaultfd vcsa6
dri i2c-12 loop10 loop29 loop9 port tty10 tty29 tty47 tty8 ttyS24 userio vcsu
drm_dp_aux0 i2c-13 loop11 loop3 loop-control ppp tty11 tty3 tty48 tty9 ttyS25 v4l vcsu1
drm_dp_aux1 i2c-14 loop12 loop30 mapper psaux tty12 tty30 tty49 ttyprintk ttyS26 vboxdrv vcsu2
drm_dp_aux2 i2c-15 loop13 loop31 mcelog ptmx tty13 tty31 tty5 ttyS0 ttyS27 vboxdrvu vcsu3
drm_dp_aux3 i2c-16 loop14 loop32 media0 pts tty14 tty32 tty50 ttyS1 ttyS28 vboxnetctl vcsu4
drm_dp_aux4 i2c-2 loop15 loop33 mei0 random tty15 tty33 tty51 ttyS10 ttyS29 vboxusb vcsu5
ecryptfs i2c-3 loop16 loop34 mem rfkill tty16 tty34 tty52 ttyS11 ttyS3 vcs vcsu6
- /etc: The /etc directory contains configuration files for system-wide settings and application configurations. It is a crucial directory for managing system behavior. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /etc
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/etc$ ls
acpi cron.hourly group- libaudit.conf newt rc5.d thermald
adduser.conf cron.monthly grub.d libblockdev nftables.conf rc6.d thunderbird
alsa crontab gshadow libnl-3 nsswitch.conf rcS.d timezone
alternatives cron.weekly gshadow- libpaper.d ODBCDataSources resolv.conf timidity
anacrontab cups gss libreoffice odbc.ini rmt tlp.conf
apache2 cupshelpers gtk-2.0 lighttpd odbcinst.ini rpc tlp.d
apg.conf dbus-1 gtk-3.0 locale.alias openal rsyslog.conf tmpfiles.d
apm dconf hdparm.conf locale.gen openni2 rsyslog.d ts.conf
apparmor debconf.conf host.conf localtime openvpn rygel.conf ubuntu-advantage
apparmor.d debian_version hostid logcheck opt sane.d ucf.conf
apport default hostname login.defs os-release security udev
appstream.conf deluser.conf hosts logrotate.conf PackageKit selinux udisks2
apt depmod.d hosts.allow logrotate.d pam.conf sensors3.conf ufw
at.deny dhcp hosts.deny lsb-release pam.d sensors.d updatedb.conf
avahi dictionaries-common machine-id papersize services update-manager
bash.bashrc dpkg hp machine-info passwd sgml update-motd.d
bash_completion e2scrub.conf ifplugd magic passwd- shadow update-notifier
bash_completion.d emacs ImageMagick-6 magic.mime pcmcia shadow- UPower
bindresvport.blacklist environment init mailcap perl shells usb_modeswitch.conf
binfmt.d environment.d init.d mailcap.order php skel usb_modeswitch.d
bluetooth ethertypes initramfs-tools manpath.config pki smi.conf vbox
bmon.conf firefox inputrc mecabrc pm snmp vdpau_wrapper.cfg
brlapi.key firewalld insserv.conf.d mime.types pnm2ppa.conf speech-dispatcher vim
brltty fonts ipp-usb mke2fs.conf polkit-1 ssh vtrgb
brltty.conf fprintd.conf iproute2 ModemManager ppp ssl vulkan
byobu fstab issue modprobe.d printcap subgid wgetrc
ca-certificates fuse.conf modules profile subgid- wireshark
ca-certificates.conf fwupd java-11-openjdk modules-load.d profile.d subuid wpa_supplicant
ca-certificates.conf.dpkg-old gai.conf kernel mtab protocols subuid- www
cczerc gdb kernel-img.conf mysql pulse sudo.conf X11
chatscripts gdm3 kerneloops.conf nanorc python3 sudoers xattr.conf
clamav geoclue ldap netconfig python3.10 sudoers.d xdg
compizconfig ghostscript netplan rc0.d sudo_logsrvd.conf xml
console-setup glvnd network rc1.d sysctl.conf zsh
cracklib gnome networkd-dispatcher rc2.d sysctl.d zsh_command_not_found
cron.d groff legal NetworkManager rc3.d systemd
cron.daily group libao.conf networks rc4.d terminfo
- /home: Each user on the system has a subdirectory within /home where their personal files and settings are stored. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /home
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/home$ ls
- /lib and /lib64: These directories store essential libraries that are required by binaries in /bin and /sbin. /lib64 is used on 64-bit systems. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /lib
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/lib$ ls
apache2 gcc nodejs speech-dispatcher-modules
apg girepository-1.0 nvidia ssl
apparmor git-core ogdi sysctl.d
apt gnome-session openssh systemd
aspell gnome-settings-daemon-3.0 openvpn sysusers.d
bfd-plugins gnome-settings-daemon-42 os-prober tc
binfmt.d gnome-shell os-probes terminfo
bluetooth gnupg os-release thunderbird
brltty gnupg2 pam.d thunderbird-addons
byobu gold-ld pcmciautils tmpfiles.d
cgi-bin groff libreoffice php ubiquity
cnf-update-db grub pkgconfig ubuntu-advantage
command-not-found grub-legacy pm-utils ubuntu-release-upgrader
compat-ld gvfs linux policykit-1 udev
console-setup hdparm linux-boot-probes polkit-1 udisks2
cpp hollywood linux-sound-base pppd ufw
crda i386-linux-gnu locale pulse-15.99.1+dfsg1 unity-settings-daemon-1.0
cups indicators3 lp_solve python2.7 update-notifier
dbus-1.0 init lsb python3 usrmerge
debug initramfs-tools man-db python3.10 valgrind
dpkg ispell mecab python3.11 virtualbox
elogind jayatana memtest86+ python3.8 wine
emacs jvm mime recovery-mode wine-development
emacsen-common kernel modprobe.d rhythmbox X11
environment.d klibc modules rsyslog x86_64-linux-gnu
evolution-data-server modules-load.d sasl2 xorg
file mysql sftp-server xserver-xorg-video-intel
firewalld netplan shim
firmware networkd-dispatcher snapd
galera NetworkManager software-properties
- /media and /mnt: These directories are used as mount points for removable media (such as USB drives) and manually mounted file systems, respectively. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /media
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/media$ ls
- /opt: The /opt directory is used for installing additional software packages from third-party vendors. Each application typically has its own subdirectory here. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /opt
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/opt$ ls
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/opt$ cd google/
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/opt/google$ ls
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/opt/google$ cd chrome/
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/opt/google/chrome$ ls
chrome default-app-block nacl_helper_bootstrap product_logo_32.xpm xdg-mime
chrome_100_percent.pak default_apps nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe product_logo_48.png xdg-settings
chrome_200_percent.pak google-chrome product_logo_128.png product_logo_64.png
chrome_crashpad_handler icudtl.dat product_logo_16.png resources.pak
chrome-management-service locales product_logo_24.png v8_context_snapshot.bin
chrome-sandbox MEIPreload product_logo_256.png vk_swiftshader_icd.json
cron nacl_helper product_logo_32.png WidevineCdm
- /proc: The /proc directory is a virtual file system that provides information about running processes and system configuration as files that can be read. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:~$ cd /proc
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/proc$ ls
1 1132 14182 16015 173 2322 2556 2792 2869 3335 50 53 67 759 87 diskstats locks sysvipc
10 1154 1452 16016 1757 241 2557 28 29 3338 502 5379 69 76 88 dma mdstat thread-self
100 1172 15 16031 19 242 2562 2806 2932 34 503 545 7 761 89 driver meminfo timer_list
101 118 153 16037 198 2435 2566 281 2934 35 51 55 70 762 90 dynamic_debug misc tty
1013 1185 15320 16101 2 2436 2567 2818 2940 360 514 554 71 765 91 execdomains modules uptime
1018 1187 15377 16102 20 2442 2580 2820 2949 37 5155 556 713 77 92 fb mounts version
102 1188 154 16203 201 2444 2592 2835 2950 38 5160 56 714 776 920 filesystems mtd version_signature
1027 1189 15436 16220 202 2458 26 2836 2951 39 5161 569 719 78 948 fs mtrr vmallocinfo
1028 1190 15464 16321 204 2459 2618 2838 2963 4 5163 57 722 783 98 interrupts net vmstat
103 12 155 16385 205 2465 2628 2840 2973 40 5165 58 724 79 99 iomem pagetypeinfo zoneinfo
10430 12042 15537 16409 206 2466 2643 2841 2977 41 5171 59 725 8 acpi ioports partitions
1046 13 156 16460 2061 2467 2649 2842 3 422 5172 6 73 80 asound irq pressure
1080 13064 15622 16516 207 2477 2659 2843 3039 43 5173 61 730 802 bootconfig kallsyms schedstat
11 13141 157 16529 208 2479 2676 2845 31 44 5176 62 734 81 buddyinfo kcore scsi
1108 1354 15729 16556 209 2488 2684 2848 3133 45 5187 63 738 83 bus keys self
111 1357 15732 16562 21 2499 2686 2854 3151 458 52 633 74 832 cgroups key-users slabinfo
1120 13639 15772 16619 210 25 27 2855 3171 46 5207 634 740 833 cmdline kmsg softirqs
1126 13834 15776 16649 211 2508 2764 2856 3192 47 5241 635 742 84 consoles kpagecgroup stat
1127 13852 16 16692 22 2511 2770 2857 32 4891 5259 636 749 85 cpuinfo kpagecount swaps
113 14 16008 16694 2226 2518 2776 2862 3244 49 5261 64 75 86 crypto kpageflags sys
1130 140 16014 17 23 2534 2781 2864 33 5 5271 65 753 860 devices loadavg sysrq-trigger
- /root: This is the home directory for the root user, the system administrator. TO BE DISCUSED Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /root
bash: cd: /root: Permission denied
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ sudo -i
[sudo] password for muthukumar:
root@DevOpsEngineer:~# cd /root
- /run: This directory stores temporary runtime files and data that are lost between reboots but are necessary for the current boot session. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /run
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/run$ ls blkid firewalld log openvpn-client shm udisks2
acpid.socket console-setup gdm3 motd.d openvpn-server snapd sudo unattended-upgrades.lock
alsa credentials mount pacct_shadow.d snapd-snap.socket systemd unattended-upgrades.progress
apache2 initctl mysqld pacct_source snapd.socket thermald user crond.reboot initramfs netns php speech-dispatcher tlp utmp cups irqbalance NetworkManager plymouth spice-vdagentd tmpfiles.d uuidd
avahi-daemon dbus lock openvpn sendsigs.omit.d sshd udev wpa_supplicant
- /sbin: Similar to /bin, this directory contains system binaries, but these binaries are usually reserved for system administrators and require elevated privileges. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /sbin
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/sbin$ ls
a2disconf depmod ip6tables mount.fuse3 slattach
a2dismod devlink ip6tables-apply mount.lowntfs-3g spice-vdagentd
a2dissite dhclient ip6tables-legacy mount.ntfs split-logfile
a2enconf dhclient-script ip6tables-legacy-restore mount.ntfs-3g sshd
a2enmod dmidecode ip6tables-legacy-save mysqld start-stop-daemon
a2ensite dmsetup ip6tables-nft nameif sudo_logsrvd
a2query dmstats ip6tables-nft-restore netExtender sudo_sendlog
aa-remove-unknown dnsmasq ip6tables-nft-save netplan sulogin
aa-status dosfsck ip6tables-restore NetworkManager swaplabel
aa-teardown dosfslabel ip6tables-restore-translate newusers swapoff
accessdb dpkg-preconfigure ip6tables-save nfnl_osf swapon
acpid dpkg-reconfigure ip6tables-translate nft switch_root
addgnupghome dumpe2fs ipmaddr nologin sysctl
addgroup e2freefrag ippeveprinter ntfsclone tarcat
add-shell e2fsck ipp-usb ntfscp tc
adduser e2image ipset ntfslabel telinit
agetty e2label ipset-translate ntfsresize thermald
alsa e2mmpstatus iptables ntfsundelete tipc
alsabat-test e2scrub iptables-apply nxMonitor tlp
alsactl e2scrub_all iptables-legacy on_ac_power tune2fs
alsa-info e2undo iptables-legacy-restore openvpn tzconfig
anacron e4crypt iptables-legacy-save ownership u-d-c-print-pci-ids
apache2 e4defrag iptables-nft pam-auth-update ufw
apache2ctl ebtables iptables-nft-restore pam_extrausers_chkpwd umount.udisks2
apachectl ebtables-nft iptables-nft-save pam_extrausers_update uninstallNetExtender
apparmor_parser ebtables-nft-restore iptables-restore pam_getenv unix_chkpwd
apparmor_status ebtables-nft-save iptables-restore-translate pam_timestamp_check unix_update
applygnupgdefaults ebtables-restore iptables-save paperconfig update-ca-certificates
aptd ebtables-save iptables-translate parted update-catalog
arp ethtool iptunnel partprobe update-cracklib
arpd faillock irqbalance pccardctl updatedb.plocate
arptables fatlabel irqbalance-ui phpdismod update-default-aspell
arptables-nft fdisk isosize phpenmod update-default-ispell
arptables-nft-restore filefrag ispell-autobuildhash php-fpm7.4 update-default-wordlist
arptables-nft-save findfs iucode-tool php-fpm8.2 update-dictcommon-aspell
arptables-restore firewalld iucode_tool phpquery update-dictcommon-hunspell
arptables-save fixparts iw pivot_root update-fonts-alias
aspell-autobuildhash fsck iwconfig plipconfig update-fonts-dir
atd fsck.cramfs iwevent plocate-build update-fonts-scale
atopacctd fsck.ext2 iwgetid plymouthd update-grub
avahi-autoipd fsck.ext3 iwlist poweroff update-grub2
avahi-daemon fsck.ext4 iwpriv pppd update-grub-gfxpayload
badblocks fsck.fat iwspy pppdump update-gsfontmap
biosdecode fsck.minix kbdrate pppoe-discovery update-icon-caches
blkdeactivate fsck.msdos kerneloops pppstats update-inetd
blkdiscard fsck.vfat killall5 pptp update-info-dir
blkid fsfreeze ldattach pptpsetup update-initramfs
blkzone fstab-decode ldconfig pwck update-java-alternatives
blockdev fstrim ldconfig.real pwconv update-locale
bluetoothd gdisk locale-gen pwunconv update-mime
bridge gdm3 logrotate rarp update-passwd
brltty genl logsave rcvboxautostart-service update-pciids
brltty-setup getcap losetup rcvboxballoonctrl-service update-rc.d
capsh getpcaps lpadmin rcvboxdrv update-secureboot-policy
cfdisk getty lpc rcvboxweb-service update-shells
cgdisk getweb lpinfo readprofile update-xmlcatalog
chat gnome-menus-blacklist lpmove reboot upgrade-from-grub-legacy
chcpu groupadd lsmod remove-default-ispell usb_modeswitch
check_forensic groupdel lspcmcia remove-default-wordlist usb_modeswitch_dispatcher
chgpasswd groupmems make-ssl-cert remove-shell usbmuxd
chmem groupmod mariadbd resize2fs useradd
chpasswd grpck mii-tool rfkill userdel
chroot grpconv mkdosfs rmmod usermod
cpgr grpunconv mke2fs rmt uuidd
cppw grub-bios-setup mkfs rmt-tar validlocale
cracklib-check grub-install mkfs.bfs route vboxconfig
cracklib-format grub-macbless mkfs.cramfs rsyslogd vcstime
cracklib-packer grub-mkconfig mkfs.ext2 rtacct vdpa
cracklib-unpacker grub-mkdevicemap mkfs.ext3 rtcwake vigr
create-cracklib-dict grub-probe mkfs.ext4 rtkitctl vipw
cron grub-reboot mkfs.fat rtmon visudo
ctrlaltdel grub-set-default mkfs.minix runlevel vpddecode
cupsaccept halt mkfs.msdos runuser wipefs
cups-browsed hdparm mkfs.ntfs saned wpa_action
cupsctl httxt2dbm mkfs.vfat select-default-ispell wpa_cli
cupsd hwclock mkhomedir_helper select-default-wordlist wpa_supplicant
cupsdisable iconvconfig mkinitramfs service xtables-legacy-multi
cupsenable ifconfig mklost+found setcap xtables-monitor
cupsfilter init mkntfs setvesablank xtables-nft-multi
cupsreject insmod mkswap setvtrgb zic
dcb installkernel ModemManager sfdisk zramctl
debugfs install-sgmlcatalog modinfo sgdisk
delgroup invoke-rc.d modprobe shadowconfig
deluser ip mount.fuse shutdown
- /srv: The /srv directory is used to store data for services provided by the system. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /srv
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/srv$ ls
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/srv$ cd www/
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/srv/www$ ls
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/srv/www$ cd wordpress/
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/srv/www/wordpress$ ls
index.php wp-activate.php wp-comments-post.php wp-cron.php wp-load.php wp-settings.php xmlrpc.php
license.txt wp-admin wp-config-sample.php wp-includes wp-login.php wp-signup.php
readme.html wp-blog-header.php wp-content wp-links-opml.php wp-mail.php wp-trackback.php
- /sys: Like /proc, the /sys directory is a virtual file system that exposes information about the kernel and its configuration. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /sys
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/sys$ ls
block bus class dev devices firmware fs hypervisor kernel module power
- /tmp: The /tmp directory is used for temporary files that are generally deleted when the system is rebooted. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /tmp
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/tmp$ ls
- /usr: The /usr directory contains user-specific data and programs. It's typically read-only during normal system operation. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /usr
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/usr$ ls
bin games i686-w64-mingw32 include lib lib32 lib64 libexec libx32 local sbin share src x86_64-w64-mingw32
- /var: This directory contains variable data, including logs, spool files, and other files that change frequently during system operation. Example:
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/$ cd /var
muthukumar@DevOpsEngineer:/var$ ls
backups cache crash lib local lock log mail metrics opt run snap spool tmp www
These are some of the core directories in the Linux file system. The structure helps maintain a separation between system files, user files, and temporary data, contributing to the stability and organization of the operating system. Keep in mind that while this overview provides a general understanding, the exact layout can vary slightly between different Linux distributions.
Top comments (4)
Is there a point to showing a brute force enumeration of the files on a linux system in your post?
I have posted with examples to know how this command works in Linux system. . Is there any mistake in this.. I am posting this blog to know how these commands are used in Linux terminal
No mistake necessarily. You might miss out on potential readers though. DEV gives an estimate of 22 minutes to read your post. So many might skip right past it due to that. And there's lots of scrolling to find the actual content such as your explanations of different subdirectories, etc. Those who do click to read might leave right away due to need to scroll past the output.
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