It was a impressed for me.
I have a code that inherits Devise::InvitationController, and the controller seems to inherits ApplicationController too.
It was magic. I wanted to understand why. so I read the code.
Then, open them.
$ bundle open devise_invitable
$ bundle open devise
class Devise::InvitationsController < DeviseController
class DeviseController < Devise.parent_controller.constantize
# The parent controller all Devise controllers inherits from.
# Defaults to ApplicationController. This should be set early
# in the initialization process and should be set to a string.
mattr_accessor :parent_controller
@@parent_controller = "ApplicationController"
What happen?
The mattr_accessor
is similar with attr_accessor
. It automatically makes a get/set method for the module.
Then, Devise.parent_controller
become "ApplicationController". Of course, you can customize it.
The reference of mattr_accessor.
This programming gives you power.
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