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Namsi Lydia
Namsi Lydia

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Exploring The Set Clause : Updating Labels and Properties in Apache Age

Graph databases are a powerful tool for managing and querying connected data. Cypher, the query language for graph databases, provides various clauses to manipulate and update data. In this article, we will dive into the SET clause in Cypher, which allows us to update labels and properties on vertices and edges. We will explore different use cases and provide examples to demonstrate its functionality

Understanding Terminal SET Clauses
A SET clause may be the final clause in a Cypher query, making it a terminal clause. When a query ends with a terminal clause, no results will be returned from the Cypher function call. However, it is important to note that the Cypher function call still requires a column list definition. To handle this, when a Cypher query ends with a terminal node, you can define a single value in the column list definition, ensuring that no data will be returned in this variable.

Setting Properties on Nodes and Relationships
One of the primary use cases of the SET clause in Cypher is to set properties on nodes and relationships. By using the SET clause, you can easily update the values of specific properties within your graph database. Let's take a look at an example:

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
   MATCH (v {name: 'Alexandria'})
   SET v.job = 'Software Engineer'
$$) as (v agtype);
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In this query, we are matching a node with the name 'Alexandria' and setting the job property to 'Software Engineer'. The newly changed node is returned as the result of the query. This simple yet powerful application of the SET clause allows for effortless property updates within your graph database.

Creating and Returning Modified Vertices
In addition to updating properties, the SET clause can also be used to create and return modified vertices. To create a single vertex, you can utilize the following query:

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    MATCH (v {name: 'Alexandria'})
    SET v.job = 'Software Engineer'
    RETURN v
$$) as (v agtype);
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In this query, we are not only setting the jpb property of the matched node to 'Software Engineer', but we are also returning the newly changed vertex as the result of the query. This allows for seamless creation and retrieval of modified vertices, facilitating efficient data management within your graph database.

Removing Properties with SET Clause
While the REMOVE command is typically used to remove properties in Cypher, the SET clause also provides the flexibility to remove properties. This can be particularly useful when dealing with properties that originate from parameters. Let's consider the following example:

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    MATCH (v {name: 'Alexandria'})
    SET = NULL
    RETURN v
$$) as (v agtype);

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In this query, we are matching a node with the name 'Alexandria' and setting the name property to NULL. The node is returned as the result of the query, and the name property is now missing. This demonstrates how the SET clause can be utilized to remove properties when needed, providing flexibility in managing your graph database.

Setting Multiple Properties with a Single SET Clause
In many cases, you may need to set multiple properties within a single query. The SET clause offers a convenient solution to accomplish this by allowing you to separate multiple property assignments with a comma. Consider the following example:

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
MATCH (v {name: 'Alexandria'})
SET v.department = 'Microservices', v.state = 'Nairobi'
$$) as (v agtype);
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In this query, we are matching a node with the name 'Alexandria' and setting both the department and state properties. The modified vertex is returned as the result of the query, showcasing the ability to set multiple properties using a single SET clause. This feature enhances query efficiency and simplifies data manipulation within your graph database.

Advanced Techniques with SET Clause

While the basics of the SET clause cover most common use cases, there are advanced techniques that can further enhance its functionality. For instance, you can use expressions or functions within the SET clause to perform calculations or transformations on property values. This allows you to create dynamic updates based on the existing data in your graph.

Additionally, you can leverage variables and parameters in the SET clause to make your queries more flexible and reusable. By using variables, you can update properties based on the values stored in other parts of the query, resulting in more dynamic and adaptable data manipulation.

Best Practices for Using SET Clause

To make the most out of the SET clause in Cypher, it is important to follow some best practices. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Use descriptive property names: Clear and concise property names make your code more readable and maintainable.

  • Group related property updates: When setting multiple properties, group them logically to improve code organization and readability.

  • Handle null values gracefully: Consider the impact of null values when setting properties, and handle them appropriately in your queries.

  • Leverage constraints and indexes: Take advantage of graph database features such as constraints and indexes to optimize the performance of SET clause operations.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your SET clause queries are efficient, maintainable, and scalable.


The SET clause in Cypher is a powerful tool for updating labels and properties on vertices and edges in graph databases. By harnessing its capabilities, you can manipulate data with ease, customizing your graph structures to suit your specific needs. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the various aspects of the SET clause, from its basic usage to advanced techniques and best practices. Armed with this knowledge, you are now ready to dive into the world of graph database manipulation and unleash the full potential of the SET clause. Happy querying!


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