DEV Community

Jessica Fernanda
Jessica Fernanda

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Getting started with Gsap!

GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is a powerful JavaScript library that allows you to create high-performance animations for web applications. Whether you want to animate CSS, SVG, or even create complex sequences, GSAP can handle it all with ease. In this post, I'll guide you through the basics of getting started with GSAP and show you how to create your first animation!

What is GSAP?

GSAP is a framework-agnostic library that enables developers to create smooth and efficient animations across all major browsers. With GSAP, you can animate almost anything JavaScript can touch, including:

  • CSS
  • SVG
  • Canvas
  • React, Vue, etc.

Its ScrollTrigger plugin allows for jaw-dropping scroll-based animations with minimal code, making it a favorite among developers.

Getting Started

To get started with GSAP, you can include it in your project using a CDN or via npm. Here’s how to do both:

  1. CDN Installation:

Add the following script tag to your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This is the easiest way to start using GSAP without any installation fuss!

  1. NPM Installation:

If you prefer using npm, you can install GSAP by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install gsap

You can then import GSAP into your JavaScript files like this:

import gsap from "gsap";

Creating Your First Animation

Let’s create a simple fade-in animation for an element on your webpage. Start by adding the following HTML:

<div class="box">Hello, GSAP!</div>

Now, let’s animate this box so that it fades in when the page loads. Add the following JavaScript code:

// Fade in the box when the page loads
gsap.from(".box", { opacity: 0, duration: 1, y: -50 });
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • opacity: 0 : The box starts invisible.
  • duration: 1 : The animation lasts for 1 second.
  • y: -50 : The box starts 50 pixels above its final position and moves down into view.

Adding Interactivity

You can also add interactivity to your animations. For example, let’s create a button that grows in size when you hover over it:

<button class="animate-btn">Hover over me</button>
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Now, add the following JavaScript:

const button = document.querySelector(".animate-btn");
button.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {, { scale: 1.1, duration: 0.2 });
button.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {, { scale: 1, duration: 0.2 });
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


When the mouse enters the button, it scales up by 10%.
When the mouse leaves, it returns to its original size.


GSAP is an incredible tool for creating animations on the web. With its ease of use and powerful features, you can enhance user experiences and bring your projects to life. I encourage you to explore more about GSAP, check out the official documentation for deeper insights, and experiment with different animations.

Happy animating!


For more information on GSAP, you can visit the official GitHub repository:

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