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Rodrigo Alexandre
Rodrigo Alexandre

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Creating a Social Network for Bakers with the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence as an Assistant. part 2

Let's be honest, nobody enjoys just doing CRUDs*. So why not leverage the potential of Generative AIs for this 'tedious' task?

On my second day working with ChatGPT as an AI Assistant in creating a social network for amateur bakers, I think I managed to "shift" my mindset to use the tool as an Assistant.

Using the "ChatGPT Prompt Formula" provided by DataCamp, I optimized my process and improved efficiency. I was able to create the server using Node + Express, model the database in MongoDB, and set up all the routes with their respective CRUD methods! Also, it helped me with those boring tasks of testing the running API when you need an example user. Instead of manually creating the JSON, I simply asked, "Following the model we implemented, create a JSON to represent a user" and went to grab a coffee...

I can consider ChatGPT as a good companion on this journey, facing the Dark Arts of Backend ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ

Having an AI helping with tasks considered tedious by many devs is a true revolution. It saves time and can allow the team to focus on more human and creative activities. ๐ŸŒŸ

I believe that having an AI Assistant like ChatGPT by our side can make development more enjoyable and productive, helping the team focus on what really matters: creating innovative solutions that bring value to our users!

And you, Dev, have you tried working with an AI Assistant in software development? Want to take a look at how this API is shaping up? I'll leave the Github link here:

Github Repository .

*CRUD is an acronym for the four basic operations in data management systems: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These operations allow users to manipulate and manage information stored in a database.

This post is part of the documentation of my experience applying the knowledge from the 'Generative Artificial Intelligences' course at Alura. Tomorrow we'll see how we'll deal with "Token-based authentication."

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