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Cover image for Optimizing React Table Rendering By 160x !!!
Navneet Kumar Singh
Navneet Kumar Singh

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Optimizing React Table Rendering By 160x !!!

React is "generally" a performant framework.. notice the "" on generally, Yeah that is because at times in react land you do feel very limited because of all the re-rendering which leads to performance issues when you are trying to create a large/complicated component where there is a lot of moving parts and data being manipulated left and right and managing to create a performant ui in all that does becomes a challenge sometimes if you don't have the right tools and knowledge about it you can quickly shoot yourself on the foot in React. But for the most part, it is pretty quick and reliable hence the popularity.

The Issue

One of the issues I faced a while back when I was working in my company was that I was supposed to render a table of a very large number of columns and rows. For example, let's assume we are working with a 2000 X 200 (rows x cols) size table.

Now if we calculate how many DOM nodes are needed for that size of table that will come around to be 200000 DOM nodes.

What are DOM nodes?
Your web browser parses HTML documents and builds a Document Object Model (DOM) that it can easily understand and manage. In this format, it can be easily understood — and modified — by a scripting language such as JavaScript.

Google recommends the DOM:

  • Have fewer than 1,500 nodes in total
  • Have a maximum depth of 32 nodes
  • Have no parent node with more than 60 child nodes

Now since we were dealing with a 200000 node size DOM tree you can imagine what would be going on.


Image showing the chrome dev tools

Well for those who are new to reading Chrome dev tools mem graphs, Let me tell you The graph above shows the non-stoping memory growth in the heap size (BLUE LINE). And the GREEN LINE Shows the growth of the number of nodes in the DOM. Both of which point that the app is well over the limit of the safe line which was somewhere around 1500 nodes and 32 max depth.

The result of all that was that our application which usually runs fine with 100MB to 200MB of RAM in Chrome, Required a full 4.9 GB - 5.2 GB !!! just to render that one page with the table.

I was barely able to record the memory usage because most of the time the page would just crash and won't let me do anything with it.

Why soo much memory for DOM nodes?

Well everything and anything in your system will require some amount of memory to run it. In this case where we are taking about the HTML DOM nodes, The average size of a node is dependent on the average number of bytes used in each to hold the content, such as UTF-8 text, attribute names and values, or cached information.

Imagine a smartphone that allocates 1 GB of its memory for the Document Object Model (DOM), as it typically uses 3 GB of its 4 GB total for standard operations. To estimate, one could consider the average memory usage per node based on this allocation.

  • 2 bytes per character for 40 characters of inner text per node
  • 2 bytes per character for 4 attribute values of 10 characters each
  • 1 byte per character for 4 attribute names of 4 characters each
  • 160 bytes for the C/C++ node overhead

In this case N(worst_case), the worst case max nodes,

= 1,024 X 1,024 X 1,024
  / (2 X 40  +  2 X 4 X 10  +  1 X 4 X 4  +  160)

= 3,195,660.190476.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Found an amazing thread on stack overflow which explains this in detail and the above estimations are also taken from there

Anyways for processing all this also took a lot of time for example for the size of a 2000 x 200 table it took about 34.97 secs (TOTAL TIME SPENT IN CALCULATING AND RENDERING WHERE RENDERING WAS THE MAIN BOTTLENECK) + 14.31 secs (TIME SPENT BY MY SYSTEM (M1 Mac book air) TO RENDER THE INITIAL LIST). So a total of 49.28 secs !!! just to see the table load and then crash :(

Some more stats that support my points, For you to take a look.

Image showing rendering time stats

Open to discussing more on these in comments :)

The Solution - Virtualization.

No not the kinda of virtualization which you run on your Windows system to install Ubuntu and have a feel of what an actual operating system feels like.

But there is a technique of partially rendering things in the dom and only rendering those nodes which are visible to the end user. So what we try to do is let's say a user can see only 10 rows at a time and 10 columns at a time then we only render that much, Which is pretty easy and fast for the system to do.

Image showing react virtualized scrolling

If the user moves up or sideways we render more rows and columns in runtime while the user is scrolling and also keep destroying old nodes which are no longer on the user's screen, That way we are able to maintain a safe amount of nodes for the browser to display and also not overshoot the memory.

For the people who are wondering yes! While virtualization may require additional compute resources compared to rendering all items at once, the benefits it provides in terms of performance, scalability, memory efficiency, and user experience often make it the preferred choice, especially for applications dealing with large or dynamic datasets.

And for doing that in React there are good set of libraries which we can use. One of them is react-window.

So an example code would be something like this:-

React window package image

The package will give us a set of APIs and components to work with which are pretty easy to use.

In our case, we had a complex requirement where I had to freeze certain columns and rows while scrolling also the above example shows a list but when you render a bigger table then you should use VariableSizeGrid which treats your rows and cols as individual cells like a matrix and renders only those cells which are visible to the user.

Can't release the full code for obvious reasons. As it is being used in prod.

After using virtualization the page loading time went from 49 secs to 300 ms minus the network delay depending on your internet.

So that saw a huge jump in performance and load time by 160x !!!

Well, that was it really, some minor changes were made like using useMemo and useCallback to optimise a few more things but most of the performance was gained by using the simple concept.
Btw did you know mobile development also uses the same concept to display large feeds in your social media apps, This is a really cool technique and I had a lot of fun integrating it with our project. Hopefully, someone else who is also struggling with the same issue will find this article useful or even if you are not it's good to have a new weapon in your arsenal, You won't know when you will need it :)


PS - I don't take credit for any of the above info I learned and implemented most of it from the internet.

Top comments (26)

cmacu profile image
Stasi Vladimirov

Or alternatively you could’ve used virtual DOMless framework or VueJS where half of the DOM doesn’t get re-rendered just because the cursor was moved…
The reality is that React is outdated and full of idiosyncrasies such as useEffect, useCallback, useMemo (and more incoming with the latest release) just to somehow keep it working. We need to let this dinosaur die so the web can move forward.

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

There is no DOMless framework on a web browser, it's how the browser works. This problem isn't to do with virtual DOM, it's a problem that needs to be solved with virtualization in all cases due to the number of individual DOM nodes created for a large table.

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh


ekeijl profile image
Edwin • Edited

React 19 Some version after React 19 should prevent the need for useMemo() or useCallback(), so developers don't need to think about those anymore. Besides, the concept of memoization has been around for ages, it requires some thinking but it's not THAT complicated.

The newly introduced hooks are of a completely different nature and completely optional. In fact, they're add features for handling form state and promises, things that were long overdue.

It's fine that you have a preference for a different library, but I think React 19 is actually moving things forward here.

Edit: learned that the optimizing compiler for React will be added somewhere after version 19, but it's coming!

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

Haven't tried the new 19, will give it a go I am playing with some other things at the moment at work I have to work with react 17 so 😅

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

😂 true but for one page we can't change the stack

chinmaymoghe profile image

Just use Svelte, Solid, Qwik, Vue and stop it with React....why use React with its runtime shipped to browser ? On top of it it's just a lib, no state management, which is nuts , check out Svelte it's almost got everything, transitions, state management, animations...

hackape profile image
hackape • Edited

I’m a svelte fanboy. But using svelte doesn’t magically solve the problem in this post. Yeah re-render is avoided but keeping a crazy amount of nodes in your DOM is problematic. You’ll need virtualized list anyway.

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh


navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

You are right about most of it but React is still pretty good.

nabous profile image
Mohamed Nabous

I remember facing this issue on a project and the boss said use intersection observer to hide and show the dom of each row and write the code from scratch...
I did it and it worked... But i know i should have used a library 😅

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

Yeah the lib is great, but also would be really cool to do it from scratch.

stuartambient profile image
stuartambient • Edited

React Virtuoso is a good choice for windowing / virtualization. AG Grid also does virtualization out of the box.

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

oh didn't know about it thanks for letting me know

rixki profile image
Muhammad Rizkiansyah

i've already try to use virtual list things, for example from 100k item, the component require me to setup how much the height specifically... i think if we use it on fullscreen size table, the height need to be collected from ref, but is there any module to apply the size automatically just like using flex: 1 ?

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

yeah the package itself provieds a component called as AutoSizer for that purpose.

akhileshpandeyji profile image
Akhilesh Pandey

Pagination can also help here I think, if not needed then this could be a better option.Also It would be great if this dynamic loading of rows can be achieved from scratch as we don't know whether this 'react-window' library offers best performance and optimization.

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

yeah you are right but pagination was not the requirement here we wanted all the data in one go 😅.

sliter profile image

I had to go through similar thing to make my demo work
I didn't polish it much, looks like you have to press the init table button 2 times for it to work

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh • Edited

Nice !!

cgatian profile image
Chaz Gatian

Lol 49 seconds, what?! That might be a record.

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh • Edited

🥲 not something to be proud of

amrita88 profile image

Whoa 😮

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh


ngocxxu profile image
Quach Ngoc • Edited

So that I cannot apply react-window for pagination right, this case of your blog just use for unlimit scrolling table right?

navneet7716 profile image
Navneet Kumar Singh

yep because we didn't wanted pagination.