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Nazanin Ashrafi
Nazanin Ashrafi

Posted on • Updated on

How to Darken an Image with CSS

There was a time when I had to look everywhere to find out how to make images darker and now I know 3 ways to do this. so lets get to the point.

1. Using opacity :

Setting the basic:

This is the original pic:
Mamamoo Solar

Setting css :

First we lower the opacity of the pic

img {
opacity: 0.5;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

By setting the opacity to 0.5 , the images will turn white(ish)

Now all we need to do to make it darker is to change the background color to black :

ul {
background-color: black;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We can use this to create cool hover effect. you can check out the pen that I made

2. Using filter property:

Just use filter: brightness(50%); for the image to lower the brightness.

3. RGBA colors:

Let's say you want to set an image as as background. if you don't darken it ,everything you put on the image like buttons, texts etc will not look cool. you need to darken it to make other stuff stand out
So how do we do that?
It's simple. let me show you

Setting the basic:

header {
    width: 100%;
    background-image: url(EauDp1hUcAAE-bK.jpg);
    background-position: center;
    background-size: cover;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

For making it darker, we add linear-gradient(black,black).
Choose a color and lower the transparency of the color

header {
background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.527),rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)) , url(EauDp1hUcAAE-bK.jpg);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

To sum it up :

  • Use opacity and filter property to darken an image and create cool hover effect with it.
  • Use RGBA colors to make your background image darker.

You can connect with me on twitter

Top comments (15)

sohanemon profile image
Sohanur Rahman Emon

It is really cool

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey

That's really helpful 🙌

nazanin_ashrafi profile image
Nazanin Ashrafi

Thank you 😍🙌🙌

therepositor profile image

thank you so much, this came very handy.

nazanin_ashrafi profile image
Nazanin Ashrafi

I'm glad it was helpful 🙏🙏

enesislam profile image

third section helped

erobin profile image

Thanks for this code It really helps creating my first website

sk_selim_32adf2f9f5ccbc97 profile image
Sk Selim

Thankyou 🙂

embedconner profile image
EmbedConner Code

Thanks for your help!

nazanin_ashrafi profile image
Nazanin Ashrafi

I'm glad it was helpful ^_^

slgshahryar profile image
shahryar slg • Edited

Thank you for your great post. it helped me.
And I got cheerful when I saw the first search result Is an Iranian's article, Congratulations :)

nazanin_ashrafi profile image
Nazanin Ashrafi

Glad to here it was helpful ^_^

dustyshaw profile image
Dusty Shaw

Thanks, just used this at work :)

dipeshj2310 profile image
Dipesh Joshi

this is helpful today I'm searching on google and its leads to your Artical.

lawlawson profile image
Lawrence Narh-Lawson

This really helped me today on a project, thanks :-)