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Rohith ND
Rohith ND

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Build Your First REST API in minutes using Zeromagic Flow Builder

In this blog post, we'll explore how to create your first REST API on the Zeromagic Platform. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, our intuitive Workflow Builder will guide you through setting up endpoints, defining data models, and handling HTTP requests. Let's dive in and see how you can quickly build and deploy a functional REST API with GET and POST methods, empowering your applications with seamless data interactions.

Step 1: Login to Project Console

Login to Zeromagic Platform and go to you Project Console. Now navigate to Rest API in the sidebar of the console.


Modules are often used to structure and organize API endpoints when building RESTful APIs. Each module can represent a specific domain or resource within your application.

Step 2: Create a new Module

Now click on Create Module button to create a new module. This open a form to create a new module. Enter the Name and API path of the module.

Note : API Path only follows the trailing slash.


Once module is created, click on the module and you will be directed to the Flow Builder Page where you can create your Rest API.

Step 3: Create a new Rest API

Look for a button labeled Create Rest API or + in the API List space within the interface. This button will initiate the process of creating a new REST API definition.
- Name : Name of the API
- Description:Short description of the API
- API Route: Define the base URL path that will be used to access the API endpoints. This path can include path parameters (indicated by {<param>}) to capture dynamic values in the URL.

Example: /users/{userId} (where {userId} would be a variable placeholder captured from the request URL).
- Authentication Method: If your API requires authentication to access certain or all resources, select the appropriate authentication method. Check on the Debug section to know more about authentication.
- Request Method: Specify the HTTP method that clients should use to interact with your API.


Step 4: Update Workflow to create Spell data in Database

The Worflow builder has 3 basic Blocks such API Endpoint, Build JSON and HTTP Response in the workflow canvas.

Workflow builders

Now let's add Cosmos Create One block in the workflow to create Spell data in the database.

Assuming that the database is configured in the Database section of the Project Console.

In the "Cosmos Create One" options panel, locate the "container name" field (also referred to as "alias tables"). Enter "spell" as the container name (table name). Then, in the "Record to add" field, input the body data of your request

The container name field specifies the preferred name for your table (e.g., "spell"). This name will be used as an alias when accessing the table.

Request Body

Toggle on Auto create to automatically create a new instance of the schema with the specified container if it is not already created.

Now in the HTTP Response update the Response Variable to {{$createOne.val}} which is output of the Cosmos Create One.

CreateOne Spell

HTTP Response blocks accepts only JSON as response. Make sure your value in response is a JSON.

Now click on the Deploy button such that the API is automatically deployed and can be accessed in the specific environment.

Step 5: Test the POST method

1. Test using Platform

You can test your API by navigating to Logs section. Click on Debug button to provide your test data. Select the environment and provide the necessary body data.

Pass you APP-KEY in the headers (since your authentication is selected as APP-KEY) which can be found in your project settings.

Make sure to pass id key in the body data while using POST method.

Debug POST request

Click on Test API and you can see the API logs in the page once your API is executed.

Debug POST response

2. Test using Postman

You can access the API by selecting the specific environment you need. You can find the API Endpoint in the Details tab.

Copy the API endpoint and paste in the URL section of the postman. Select method to POST and nagivate to Headers and Body section to pass the required data.

Postman API Headers

Postman API response

You can also check the log of this particular request in the Logs section of the API in the Zeromagic console.

Step 6: Create new flow to GET Spell Data from DB

Now let's create a new Rest API to fetch Spell data. Click on the + icon on the RestAPI List section. Enter the details of the API required to fetch the Spell data.

Add the Cosmos Read Many block in the workflow to get all the information of the Spells from the database. Add the Container name, Sort Key and Sort Order in the Options panel.

Now in the HTTP Response update the Response Variable to {{$readMany.val}} which is output of the Cosmos Read Many.

Read Many Spells

Now click on the Deploy button such that the API is automatically deployed and can be accessed in the specific environment.

Step 7: Test the GET method

Navigate to the Logs section and click on the Debug button. Provide the necessary Headers according to the authentication settings.

Debug GET API Request

Debug GET API Response

With Zeromagic, creating powerful REST APIs is easier than ever. Sign up for Zeromagic and start building your first REST API in minutes. The future of API development is here.

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