DEV Community

Mykolas Mankevicius
Mykolas Mankevicius

Posted on

Add clamped sizes to TailwindCSS

Here's a little snippet i use to easily create responsive spacing/text sized.

const remToPX = (rem) => rem * 16
const pxToRems = (px) => px / 16

const formatNumber = (num) => parseFloat(num.toFixed(3)).toString()

const clamped = (minPx, maxPx, minBp, maxBp) => {
  const slope = (maxPx - minPx) / (maxBp - minBp)
  const slopeVw = formatNumber(slope * 100)
  const interceptRems = formatNumber(pxToRems(minPx - slope * minBp))
  const minRems = formatNumber(pxToRems(minPx))
  const maxRems = formatNumber(pxToRems(maxPx))
  return `clamp(${minRems}rem, ${slopeVw}vw + ${interceptRems}rem, ${maxRems}rem)`
const clampPx = (minPx, maxPx) => clamped(minPx, maxPx, MIN_VIEWPORT_WIDTH, MAX_VIEWPORT_WIDTH)
const clampRem = (minRem, maxRem) => clamped(remToPX(minRem), remToPX(maxRem), MIN_VIEWPORT_WIDTH, MAX_VIEWPORT_WIDTH)
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And i use it like so in the tailwind.config.js

    fontSize: {
      '32_48': [
        clampPx(32, 48),
        clampPx(38, 56),
    spacing: {
        '32_60': clampPx(32, 60),
        '32_64': clampPx(32, 64),
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Which allows me to create responsive spacing based on viewport width like so:

Image description

It's all based on this excellent work:

Don't forget to like and share please! :D

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