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Nevin Katz
Nevin Katz

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7 Tricks I Use To Rewrite JavaScript Code From My Early Days

For the past four years, I have been working on a Cordova app that runs on JavaScript. The codebase has grown to the point where working on it often feels like wandering through streets and alleys of a large city. And looking at some of the earlier modules feels like sauntering into old buildings I originally constructed years ago.

While my JS coding has evolved over this time, I often run into code in the app that feels inefficient and outdated - and it bothers me to the point where I usually feel compelled to eventually refactor it so that it is more compact, readable, and understandable.

Here are 7 time-tested tricks I use to rewrite my JavaScript code from those early days, published this month in Better Programming. I hope you find them useful. Enjoy!

Top comments (8)

nikhilmwarrier profile image

The codebase has grown to the point where working on it often feels like wandering through streets and alleys of a large city. And looking at some of the earlier modules feels like sauntering into old buildings I originally constructed years ago.

Love that quote. So darn relatable...

nevkatz profile image
Nevin Katz

So glad!

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

#4: you may want to consider using the nullish coalescing operator ?? (use || consciously if you want to catch all falsy types).

#6: for...of is not neccessarily more readable than forEach, especially if you use arrow functions.

#7: you can use Object.assign on DOM elements, e.g.

const myDiv = Object.assign(document.createElement('div'), { id: 'test', className: 'other test' })
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momander profile image
Martin Omander

About "for...of": I find myself using it often with async/await. Foreach() does not work well with asynchronous code. I think this was the author's point.
For more background see this:

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

It depends. If you want to wait on a list of promises returned by an array of functions, better use await Promise.all( => fn()), as it will allow you to run them parallel.

nevkatz profile image
Nevin Katz • Edited

Great points, Alex. There is no one right way to make code more readable and your tips are very much appreciated. I never like to be dogmatic about recommendations - these are just things that have worked for me.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

You can use Object.assign with DOM objects, too.

nevkatz profile image
Nevin Katz • Edited

Great point about Object.assign(), Pacharapol! I look forward to trying that soon. Again, no one right way to go about it and I very much appreciate your input. What a terrific community of developers we have in this thread.