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Build a full stack app with create-t3-app

Shoubhit Dash on August 12, 2022

This blog post is outdated. I no longer have time to keep updating this post. Hey there! Today we'll be building an application with the T3 st...
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Blog post is outdated
joelalmei profile image
Joel Almeida

Thanks a lot for this tutorial! It's very helpful. One thing I would add that I got stuck on for a little bit is that you have to run prisma generate after creating your schema before you can access the prisma client.

nexxeln profile image
Shoubhit Dash

You're welcome!
prisma db push automatically runs prisma generate for you. Weird it didn't work for you.

joelalmei profile image
Joel Almeida

That is really strange! I had run prisma db push, I could see everything on railway no problem, but the client didn't work until I also ran prisma generate, so yeah, no idea what that's about

nexxeln profile image
Shoubhit Dash

Glad you got it working!

paulhaze profile image
Paul Hayes

I appreciate the work put in, but to anyone visiting this after March 2023 you will have a hard time following along with this as the folder structures have changed considerably in create-t3-app.

It would be really good if you could release an updated version, as this is the pretty much the first tutorial that pops up in google when you look for a (written) t3 tutorial.

The big issue is Typescript errors with the return types from your queries. If you follow along to the letter of this tutorial you will be hit by so many red lines!

Just leaving this here for future readers....

nexxeln profile image
Shoubhit Dash

Hey! I know ct3a has changed a lot since this blog post, but with college applications and entrance exams right around the corner, I don't have a lot of time to keep updating this post and usually rely on the community to make a PR on my website's repo. From there I also update the content on If you are free enough to update stuff that is broken, feel free to make a PR on my website's repo and I'll update the content here as well. The code is in this repository.

Sorry for not keeping this updated!

nexxeln profile image
Shoubhit Dash

Also have you tried restarting the eslint and typescript servers? Many people seem to be facing that issue.

sargnec profile image
Necmettin Sargın

I don't have any knowledge on backend but don't we use something like node/express for backend? Which one does backend work?

nexxeln profile image
Shoubhit Dash

Yeah express is a backend library. Next.js on the other hand is a full stack framework, it provides a backend framework as well as a frontend framework with routing. Note that Next.js's backend is based on Node except their edge API routes which have a subset of node features.

georgemichaelson profile image

thank you

nexxeln profile image
Shoubhit Dash

you're welcome

robertjohndavidson profile image
Robert Davidson

Just finished this tutorial, it was great and lead me on many rabbit holes to better understand the tech in this stack. Thanks for making it easy to follow!

nexxeln profile image
Shoubhit Dash

You're welcome!

dreyfus92 profile image
Paul Valladares

Awesome job @nexxeln 🚀

currenthandle profile image
Casey Siebel • Edited

Thanks for doing this tutorial and for your work on CTA! I'm really interested in these technologies!! I know versions change often but it's rather frustrating that the code show in this article is different from the code linked in your github repo. It make's it difficult / impossible to follow along. Especially if I don't know what package versions you were using in this article write up.

I'd love to see a tutorial that shows how to use next-auth with credential sign up and login, in the T3 stack, using cookies and without using JWTTheo talks about it here but I'm having some trouble getting it all wired up:

Thanks again!

nexxeln profile image
Shoubhit Dash

This post will be updated soon to trpc v10. As of next-auth credential auth, I wouldn't recommend using it.

csulit profile image
Christian Angelo M Sulit

Docker build failing due to env validation.

SKIP_ENV_VALIDATION=1 doesn't work.

hexparadus profile image

I am unable to login to your deployed version with Discord. And I am getting the same error in a personal project of mine. Do you know why that is happening?

harshmakwana21 profile image
harshmakwana21 • Edited

Why am I getting type error on ctx.prisma.guestbook.create ?

paulhaze profile image
Paul Hayes

Not sure but I have the exact same errors...

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