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Duc Ng
Duc Ng

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Try React 18 with Vite, Typescript and Vercel

What's New In React 18?

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The new version of React - React 18 alpha has just come out. From

  • There are no significant out-of-the-box breaking changes to component behavior. You can upgrade to React 18 with minimal or no changes to your application code, with a level of effort comparable to a typical major React release"

New Improvements:

This tutorial will demonstrate a step-by-step guide to create your project using React 18 alpha, Typescript, Vite and deploy it to Vercel (freemium).

Create a Vite project

Required tools:

  • NodeJS
  • Yarn (npm install yarn -g)

Run this command to create your new project:
(Vite is a code generator similar to CRA but it takes < 1s to launch dev mode versus > 45s using CRA)

yarn create @vitejs/app my-project --template react-ts
cd my-project
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Install the latest React 18 alpha version:

yarn add react@alpha react-dom@alpha
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As @types/react doesn't understand the new React 18's APIs or types yet, we need to update "tsconfig.json" file: after "jsx": "react" add:

"types": ["react/next", "react-dom/next"]
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Then run the new project:

yarn dev

vite v2.3.7 dev server running at:
  > Local: http://localhost:3000/
  > Network: use `--host` to expose
  ready in 174ms.
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And that's it! We have React 18 up and running with Typescript! Ready to rock.

Deploy to Vercel

First, we need to build this project:

yarn build
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Then deploy the build (dist) directory to Vercel:

cd dist
npx vercel .

βœ…  Deployed to: [copied to clipboard] [11s]
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Now, visit the link, we should have the app up and running there:


Top comments (2)

the_yamiteru profile image

Doesn't work when the app changes URL and you refresh..

ngduc profile image
Duc Ng

You need to set your ui routes in the vite config file to index.html then it will work.