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Nicolaas Nel
Nicolaas Nel

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Node-Essentials V2 πŸ“¦

Intro πŸ±β€πŸ’»

So first off, I just want to thank everyone that used my first and only NPM package I've ever created.

I pretty much abandoned the project after getting more experienced these past few years but today I decided I wanted to update this package and make it a little bit more useful.

How the original project came to be:

Late last night I decided to finally publish my very own npm package, it's something I've wanted to do for a while now and I could never decide what to package.

While brainstorming I was busy working on a node.js app to process some data, the same code I've used in several projects.

This was it, the perfect package. I don't like searching for stuff I've already used and will use again in the future so I decided to package my most used node functions into a lightweight npm package.

Link to the old version and legacy post: Node-Essentials

About Node-Essentials πŸ±β€πŸ

This is a nodejs toolkit for doing asynchronous REST API calls, writing files to the system, starting up express-js servers and more coming soon.

Setup 🚧


npm install node-essentials
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And include it in your app:

const node = require('node-essentials');
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import * as node from 'node-essentials';
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Current Methods βš™

  • http - REST Requests.

    • get - Simple REST "GET" request.
    • post - Simple REST "POST" request.
    • put - Simple REST "PUT" request.
  • helpers - Helper functions.

  • server - Express server.

    • start - Set-up a express-js server on the specified port and directory.
  • fileManager - Manage files.

    • writeToFile - Writes anything passed through to storage as any file.


Simple Get

Want to quickly and easily retrieve data from an API?

executeGet(url: string, options?: any): Promise<any>
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import http from 'node-essentials';

async function getData() {
    const data = await http.executeGet("").then();
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  posts: [
    { id: 1, title: 'Post 1' },
    { id: 2, title: 'Post 2' },
    { id: 3, title: 'Post 3' }
  comments: [
    { id: 1, body: 'some comment', postId: 1 },
    { id: 2, body: 'some comment', postId: 1 }
  profile: { name: 'typicode' }
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Want to easily return distinct values from an array?

distinct(array: Array[any]);
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import helpers from 'node-essentials';

const nonDistinct = [1,1,1,2,3];

function getDistinct(){
    const distinct = helpers.distinct(nonDistinct);
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Write To File

Want to write files to storage with data?

writeToFile(folder: string, fileName: string, extension: string, data: any);
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import fileManager from 'node-essentials';

const data = {
    sample: "Sample Data"

fileManager.writeToFile("./", "fileName", "json", JSON.stringify(data));
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Conclusion 🏁

The package contains functions I commonly use, I will be adding more simplified essential tools/functions as time goes on!

It's been an interesting journey making my first package and any feedback/suggestions of functions to add would be welcomed.

Where to get the package


Node Essentials is Developed and Maintained by Nicolaas Nel

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Made with πŸ’™ and β˜• by Nicolaas Nel.

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