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Productivity Hacks To Get Things Done. No BS.

Niharika Singh ⛓ on August 22, 2020

Procrastination. Ugh. Can't live with it, can't live without it. "There's so much to do, and so little time." "Man, how tf am I going to finish ...
scroung720 profile image
scroung720 • Edited

Thank you. This is very helpful especially number 8. Btw I am going to share 3 hacks that work for me:
1)Pomodoro technique
2)Sleeping well
3)Having a schedule and stick to it. It doesn't matter if you didn't finish your work in X time. Leave it for completion to the next day. Idk why but every time I spend a lot of time on the same task, it seems that everything breaks apart and my energy for the next day is drained, then I lose my motivation and organization. So, instead of trying to have these marathons of work is best for me to work a little on the same thing then change to another task.

niharrs profile image
Niharika Singh ⛓

I have heard a lot about the pomodoro technique but never came around to actually try it. Maybe now is the time to give it a shot!

I think the third point you mentioned is a consequence of NOT following the rules of the pomodoro technique. The idea is to know when to stop. Not just while working, but in life in general! 😉

scroung720 profile image
scroung720 • Edited

Yeah. I learn the Pomodoro technique from the Coursera course Learning How to Learn. They said that sometimes we associate certain activities with previous bad experiences. And we try to avoid those activities, if you use this technique you will be thinking about setting the clock and concentrate instead on the task itself. It works in that way for me.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Have you tried Pomodoro yet how are you finding it? I have been using the app Tick Tick for Pomodoro.

gsarig profile image
Giorgos Sarigiannidis • Edited

11: Leave everything for the last minute, until you have absolutely no choice but to sit and work like crazy. It will help you focus like nothing else!

Just kidding, the tips are valid and I try to follow most of them. When it comes to music, though, I can only listen to it when the task is boring/trivial. If it requires more thinking, I prefer to keep it quiet, as music becomes a distraction.

One other tip that I believe it to be important and I am guilty of not following as often as I should, is this: If you find yourself unable to focus, don't just stare at the monitor or fool around on Facebook. Close your computer, go for a brief walk and come back in half an hour to resume your work.

niharrs profile image
Niharika Singh ⛓

I couldn't agree more with that- instead of spending time on social media or checking your mail to declutter your mind from work, one should take a walk.

Thanks for sharing!

raisaugat profile image
Saugat Rai

I think motivation also plays the main role in productivity. If you're not motivated to do the work, then there won't be any productivity.
What do you do to motivate yourself to work?

niharrs profile image
Niharika Singh ⛓

Of course motivation is important. But in my opinion, what's more important than motivation is momentum.

raisaugat profile image
Saugat Rai

Thats' true too. :)

rebaiahmed profile image
Ahmed Rebai

Eat healthy, live healthy, drink well. this is the most important point, as a Developer to get energy and make all the last points

jrop profile image
Jonathan Apodaca • Edited

(10) is a big deal. I find if I am caring for my body as a whole, it helps me focus when I am working.

niharrs profile image
Niharika Singh ⛓

I agree. If your system is working all right then the systems 😉will work all right.

arnaudcortisse profile image
Arnaud Cortisse • Edited

11) Sleep well 💤.
12) Exercise 💪.

niharrs profile image
Niharika Singh ⛓

Absolutely! All go under #10 tho.

wigeeky profile image

Thank you! This post was what I needed for all my productivity issues and I think number 8 might be what I've been looking for, for a long time. Cheers!

mohanghabo profile image
MohAnghabo • Edited

Number 8 is new to me. I would love if you can elaborate more on it.

niharrs profile image
Niharika Singh ⛓

Of course. In a future blog point, I'll touch that topic as well.

In the meantime, you can checkout YouTube. There are many awesome videos that can help you get started.