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Cover image for New Course on LinkedIn Learning: SQL Analysis for Data Developers
Nikiya Simpson
Nikiya Simpson

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New Course on LinkedIn Learning: SQL Analysis for Data Developers

I am so excited that my very first course in SQL was published yesterday on LinkedIn Learning! I've been working with SQL since I graduated from college in 2002. I always liked working with SQL and I use it everyday in my work. It made sense to grab some of the things that I learned over the years and pass it on, hopefully, to help someone else in their journey.

SQL Analysis for Data Developers

Teaching helps me to reinforce things that I learned. It challenges me to really understand those things that I have been doing for years.

This is a basic course in relational databases and SQL concepts. It's from my point of view as someone who has worked as both an analyst and a developer. I hope it can be helpful to some people out there. If you enjoy it let me know. I look forward to making more.

Catch me on Twitter and LinkedIn

Top comments (1)

ravishkr13 profile image
Ravish kumar

This looks and sound promising. Will definitely check it out. Cheers!