Are you an Intellij, Goland or DataGrip User? Like me, are you running the SQL statements every time you want to see the change reflected on the table?
If Yes, I found a small trick in Intellij and DataGrip that could watch your SQL query results. It was always there but I overlooked it. Once I discovered it, it changed my life for debugging or development.
It’s not a trick actually 😅 but a feature built within the IntelliJ products. It could easily go ignored but let’s see how to use it
When you run any query you will see the Result window below:
You would see this clock icon in the toolbar that does all the trick. It was always there but I never thought it would be so useful 😍
When you click on it, the below options would be available. Each choice you select will refresh the query results after the selected delay.
A small tip to remember is to make sure you “Pin” 📌 the result window. When you do it, you could run other queries along with the watch window.
The below video shows a small demo of this feature. In the demo, I am watching the result of a SELECT
query. When I update a record it is shown in the result window without running the SELECT
query again.
seem long? What if I want to keep the watch period lower than 5s
? You could use the Custom
option provided. With this, you could also monitor your query changes at a 1s rate interval
Well, that's all for this post. I hope next time this small utility will come in handy for you. Don’t run the query every time to see the change. IntelliJ tools are a powerhouse of such small utilities which are very easily ignored by us.
Thanks! and Happy Coding! Don’t forget to follow me, like (❤️) for motivation and comment on some IntelliJ utilities that helped you! 🍻
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