Just started my interview preparation for MAANG companies. I am going through lots of blogs and articles to list down topics which are important for interview preparation.
Although this is my first post, I have never thought of writing any articles/blogs. But this will be a journey, where I can express my learnings. I have enrolled to some of Udemy courses to brush up my skills.
Udemy Courses -
- Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews
- Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms
- JavaScript Data Structures & Algorithms + LEETCODE Exercises
Don't go for all courses at once, go for one or two, please checkout the sample video before enrolling to courses. These courses are not expensive as I have waited for price drop and single course cost me INR 500 only.
Please don't be impulsive, buy only if you have interest in it.
Here are some of my findings -
WEB Concepts
- CRP (critical rendering path).
- Debouncing/Throttling
- Event Delegation/Bubbling.
- Bundle Splitting
- Preload, Pre connect, Prefetch, Prerender.
- Web Workers
- Etag/Cache-Control Response Header
- Document Fragment.
- Reflow.
- Image compression.
- Memory Leak.
WEB Security
- Transfer-encoding
- Same origin policy
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin
- Content Security Policy.
- Referrer-Policy
- Inner HTML
- X-XSS Protection
- X-Frame Options
- Image Carousel
- Star Component (REVIEW 5 STAR)
- Comment Section
- Pagination
- Search Bar.
- Accordion.
- Navbar.
- Traffic Light
Other Topics
- Web Components
- PWA (Progressive Web Apps)
- Micro frontend.
- Typescript.
Interview Preparation
Important Links
- Web development
- JavaScript
- Web Security etc.
- You-Dont-Know-JS
- Funny & Tricky JS questions
- 10-javascript-design-patterns
- clean-code-javascript
- system-design
One book which is recommended by one of my friend from Google for System Design is:
Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
Apart from this DSA is very important to brush up your coding skill I will suggest start coding on Leet code. Adding some questions to start with -
Coding Websites
DSA Questions
Linked List
- linked-list-cycle
- Merge Two Sorted Lists
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
- Intersection of Two Linked Lists
All the above leetcode questions are solved from my end, I hope you will also try the same. If you can't solve it no problem. Learn it and try again. Never give up.
These are my findings, but I know this is not enough for interview preparation for tier 1 companies. But it's just the beginning, I will continue to update the topics and also share the interview process. Feel free to comment if anything goes missed from my end.
Always remember, your career is a marathon, not a sprint.
Watch more content on our Youtube channel - Frontend With Chandel
Top comments (1)
Thanks for this high quality post, I'm preparing for interviews too and I'll sure follow your tips