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Day 22: Unveiling the Magic of Bubble sort in Java and C++

DAY - 22

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Bubble Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. The pass through the list is repeated until the list is sorted. The algorithm, as the name suggests, bubbles the largest (or smallest) element to the end (or beginning) of the list in each pass.

Here's how the Bubble Sort algorithm works:
Start from the beginning of the list.

Compare the first two elements. If the first element is greater than the second element, swap them.

Move to the next pair of elements and repeat step 2.

Continue this process until the end of the list.

After the first pass, the largest (or smallest) element will be at the end (or beginning) of the list.

Repeat steps 1-5 for the remaining elements in the list, excluding the last (or first) element from each iteration, as it is already in its correct position.
We iterate through the list n times, where n is the length of the list.
In each iteration, we compare adjacent elements and swap them if they are in the wrong order.

After each iteration, the largest element "bubbles up" to its correct position.
The time complexity of Bubble Sort is O(n^2) in the worst-case scenario, where n is the number of elements in the list.

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