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NM Thang
NM Thang

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Setup typeorm in project structure monorepo nestjs

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Starting from the initial steps of creating a monorepo project structure in NestJS, you need to install TypeORM and necessary dependencies to use it in your project.

Next, you need to create the necessary directories and files to share code between packages in your project.

Then, you can start configuring TypeORM to use it in your project. You can use commander and inquirer to create a command-line interface (CLI) similar to the NestJS CLI to perform migration-related commands in TypeORM.

In this video, we will guide you on how to use commander and inquirer to create a CLI like NestJS, while configuring TypeORM to use it in your project. We will explain in detail how to use TypeORM to create migrations, create tables in the database, perform CRUD operations, and more.

This video has no sound, so we will try to present all information clearly for you to understand.

We hope this video will help you in configuring TypeORM and creating a CLI like NestJS for your project. If you have any questions or contributions, please leave a comment below.

Thank you for watching our video!

Part 1:
Part 2:


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