DEV Community

Nozibul Islam
Nozibul Islam

Posted on

List of the 15 Most Essential Data Structures

List of the 15 Most Essential Data Structures.

  1. Arrays
  2. Linked Lists
  3. Stacks
  4. Queues
  5. Maps & Hash Tables
  6. Graphs
  7. Trees
  8. Binary Trees & Binary Search Trees
  9. Self-balancing Trees (AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees)
  10. Heaps
  11. Tries
  12. Segment Trees
  13. Fenwick Trees
  14. Disjoint Set Union
  15. Minimum Spanning Trees

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I regularly share insights on JavaScript, Node.js, React, Next.js, software engineering, data structures, algorithms, and more. Let’s connect, learn, and grow together!

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