Color is the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.
HTML Color Codes are a way to represent colors in a way that a computer can understand and display. Hex codes are the most often used color codes. Hex codes are three-byte hexadecimal integers (consisting of six variables) that contain a pair of characters that reflect the intensity of red, green, and blue in the color.
The sign "#" is followed by six alphabets or numerals in each Hex color code. The hexadecimal system is used to represent numbers. There are a total of 1,67,77,216 color combinations to choose from. The lowest color intensity is represented by the 00 value range, while the highest color intensity is represented by the FF value range.
Meaning of a Hex code:
• The 1st and 2nd variable in Hex color code represents the intensity of red color.
• The 3rd and 4th variable represents the intensity of green.
• The 5th and 6th variable represents the intensity of blue.
• By combining the intensities of red, green, and blue almost any color can be made.
The white color is a mixture of the three primary colors at full intensity representing the Hex color code #FFFFFF.
The black color is a mixture of the three primary colors at the lowest intensity representing the color code #000000.
These color codes can be used to change the color of a web page's background, text, and tables. They can also use photo editing apps like Adobe Photoshop to reference specific hues.
Some of the most frequent color names and codes are shown below. You can also use the color name with these colors. You could, for example, use "red" instead of "#FF0000" in HTML tags and CSS that employ color codes.
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