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Jacob Dement
Jacob Dement

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How Project Ideas Can Come From Anywhere - My Open Source Daily Puzzle Game

My Recent Open Source Project

Recently I created an open source puzzle game called Pop A Lock it's like Wordle, but with numbers and hints instead. I got the inspiration for this project months ago, but didn't have the time to make the idea become a reality, but I finally got around to it. The inspiration came from this random reddit post I saw talking about a pen and paper lock puzzle. I thought "I could totally make that into a fun little puzzle game" thus the project idea was born.

Use the random things you see around you as project ideas.

I see people often say (especially newer devs) "I need project ideas". However the truth of the matter is original ideas are hard to come by, but if you use the random things around you in your life as inspiration the most trivial things can become your next web app.

How to Generate Ideas from Daily Life

Here are a few tips I have for always having project ideas:

Solve Problems You Encounter

If you run into a challenge or inefficiency in your day-to-day life, think about how you could solve it through an app or website. Even small inconveniences can inspire a useful project.

Keep a Notebook of Ideas

Take Pop A Lock for example, I had the idea for this project months before I had the time to create it, take notes in your phone of your project ideas!

Most Importantly, Don't Overthink It

It’s important to remember that your project doesn’t have to be groundbreaking to be valuable. Not every idea needs to be the next Facebook or Google – even a small, fun project can teach you new skills, give you something to share with the community, and build your portfolio.

Share some of your random projects you've made in the comments!

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