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Differences Between Web 2 and Web 3

Web 2.0 is the current version of the internet we are all familiar with. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google e.t.c are built with web 2.0. Users can sort information freely and are also permitted to retrieve and classify the information collectively. Information flows between the site owner and users utilizing evaluation and communication.

Web 3.0 is the evolution of web utilization and interaction which includes altering the web into a database. In web 3.0 data is not owned but instead shared. Decentralized apps that run on the blockchain are built with web 3.0.

In web, 2.0 computers use HTTP in the form of unique web addresses to find information that is stored at a fixed location on a single server. With web 3.0, because the information would be found based on its content, it would be stored in multiple locations simultaneously and hence be decentralized. This would break down the massive database currently held by internet giants like Facebook Google e.t.c and would hand greater control to users.

Web 3.0 allows participants to interact directly without going through checks and permission from authorised bodies which is unlike web 2.0.


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