DEV Community

Orkhan Jafarov
Orkhan Jafarov

Posted on

Download a file with react hook

What for?

Simply couldn't find a react hook that will let me just pass my data (string, arraybuffer) and download it as a file.


A react hook to handle data downloading as a file.
Without any dependencies and with typescript support.

How to use?

Click here react-downloadfile-hook

npm install --save react-downloadfile-hook

yarn add react-downloadfile-hook
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Download properly through a link

This is a recommended method to handle downloading. You need to provide required fileName, format/mime-type, data properties into the hook.

import { useDownloadFile } from "react-downloadfile-hook";

const { linkProps } = useDownloadFile({
  format: "image/svg+xml",
  data: `<svg><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"fill="red" /></svg>`,

<a {...linkProps}>Download SVG File</a>;
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Download on click

The simplest way to handle downloading. It also named as a "force download a file". It uses old-school method, adding a link into the DOM and click it.

import { useDownloadFile } from "react-downloadfile-hook";

const { downloadFile } = useDownloadFile({
  format: "image/svg+xml",
  data: `<svg><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"fill="red" /></svg>`,

<Button onClick={downloadFile}>Download SVG File</Button>;
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Advanced handling

If your data is not a string type (ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array, etc), you may need to replace the built-in handler.
You need provide onCreateBlob callback that returns Blob.

import { useDownloadFile } from "react-downloadfile-hook";

const { downloadFile, linkProps } = useDownloadFile({
  format: "image/svg+xml",
  data: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]),
  onCreateBlob: (data: uint8Array, format) => {
    const arrayBuffer = uint8Array.buffer;
    return new Blob([arrayBuffer], { type: format });

<a {...linkProps}>Download File</a>;
<Button onClick={downloadFile}>Download File</Button>;
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