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Oviyan S
Oviyan S

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Launch Your First Django App Like a Pro ๐Ÿš€

Have you ever created Web Applications?

Don't worry if not I will teach you how to create the web application using Django.

What is Django?

Python-based web framework Django allows you to create efficient web applications quickly. It is also called batteries included web framework Django because It provides built-in features for everything including Django Admin Interface, default database โ€“ SQLlite3, etc.

Django Benefits & features

Lets Learn Practically!!

Before get into create the folder then open the folder in vscode or in your favourite browser.

Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is a tool that helps to keep dependencies required by different projects separate by creating isolated Python virtual environments for them. This is one of the most important tools that most Python developers use.

How to Create Virtual Environment
To create Virtual Environment Run following command in your terminal
python -m venv .venv

it will create the folder venv

Venv Folder Structure

Run the virtual Environment
To run the virtual environment run following command

Install the Necessary Libraries

we need the Django library to create the Django App so install the Django libraries by run the following command
pip install django

Create the Project
Django needs a project within the project our necessary codes are there
and it need Apps
To create project run following command
django-admin startproject example .

Here, the example is the name of the project and represents creating a project within the folder if we didn't mention it. it creates a subfolder with the same project name.

After Running the command it creates some of the files for our django project.

Folder Structure of the Project

Create App
A project has many app for many features of the web applications For example if we web Application in our app has login for that we create separate app.

To Create App Run following command
django-admin startapp home

it create folder name Home within the folder it has few files which is the necessary file to run our App

Folder Structure of the App

Add our App Name in the is main file required to run our webapp in that file contains configurations of our app.

now we add our app in the file.

Run Our WebApp
All set we can run our app using the development server django has the inbuilt developement server.

To start Developement server Run the Following command

python runserver


Now we can see our app on

output of the app

If you got above output you successfully Run the Django App.

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