DEV Community

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Francisco Arenas 🐻
Francisco Arenas 🐻

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👋🏽 Hello there!

🕯 You and I live in a world of over 7.8 billion people... that’s a lot of persons who share, in the same instance of time, our reality. This impactful statement opens a lot of existential questions. But, the one that inspired me to open this blog was: Will someone remember or find useful the memories I am creating, and how? Hello, everyone! 👋🏽 My name’s Paco. I’ve been an active user of this platform since the start of the pandemic (hey something good happened thanks to it 😅) and I wanted to begin this journey with those words to not only inspire myself, but you.

Nowadays, thanks to technology, any common person as you and me has the power to have a voice and be listened by the entire globe. Yet, few are those who want or have enough courage to be heard in the hazardous infinity of the web. And it is understandable, opening ourselves by sharing our intimate longings to collective critiques is not a desirable affliction.

Nonetheless, and as I mentioned before, there’s people who continuously portray their visions despite the frustrations that can be found along the way. Why? Because it is through the manifestation of ourselves within a community, regardless of the competition, what creates and inspires change to happen.

As this text comes to its end, I want to thank all those helpful and encouraging profiles within this marvelous community that have not only assisted me develop my different scholar assignments, but inspired me to share with others my passion towards technology. Furthermore, and with the purpose to mark a conclusion, in the following entries, I’ll do my best to aid you with my continuously expanding set of abilities, in addition to invite you to awake your creativity.

Fear yourself, because none other than you will stop or limit the potential of the talent you have to improve the world.

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