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Pasindu Heshan Mendis
Pasindu Heshan Mendis

Posted on • Originally published at Medium

Getting Started with Firebase Cloud Functions: A Comprehensive Guide.

Getting Started with Firebase Cloud Functions: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s world of fast-paced development, serverless architectures are becoming increasingly popular for developers who want to focus on building applications without worrying about managing infrastructure. Firebase Cloud Functions is one such tool that empowers developers to run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase services, Google Cloud services, or HTTPS requests.

In this blog, we’ll take a deep dive into Firebase Cloud Functions and explore how to use them alongside other Firebase services like Pub/Sub, Firebase Storage, Firestore, Authentication, and Logs to build powerful applications.

What Are Firebase Cloud Functions?

Firebase Cloud Functions is a serverless framework that allows you to write and deploy backend functions that get triggered by various Firebase and Google Cloud services. These functions scale automatically based on the number of requests and events, making them highly efficient.

Why Use Firebase Cloud Functions?

  • No Infrastructure Management: You don’t need to worry about managing or scaling servers.
  • Event-Driven: Functions are triggered in response to various events like user sign-ups, database changes, file uploads, etc.
  • Scalability: Functions automatically scale up or down based on usage.
  • Tight Integration with Firebase Services: Directly integrates with Firebase products like Firestore, Authentication, Realtime Database, and more.

Setting Up Firebase Cloud Functions

  1. Create a Firebase Project:
    If you haven’t already created a Firebase project, head to Firebase Console, and create one.

  2. Install Firebase CLI:
    To deploy Cloud Functions, you'll need to install Firebase CLI:

npm install -g firebase-tools

Once installed, log in to your Firebase account:

firebase login

  1. Initialize Firebase in Your Project: Navigate to your project directory and initialize Firebase:

firebase init functions

This will prompt you to select a Firebase project and setup Node.js as the runtime for your Cloud Functions.

Writing Your First Cloud Function

Once the setup is complete, open the functions/index.js file to define your Cloud Functions.

Here’s a basic example of an HTTP-triggered function:

const functions = require('firebase-functions');

exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
  res.send("Hello from Firebase!");

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To deploy the function, run:

firebase deploy --only functions

Now, your function is live and can be accessed via a unique URL provided by Firebase.

Integrating Firebase Cloud Functions with Other Firebase Services


Firebase integrates with Google Cloud Pub/Sub, allowing you to trigger functions based on messages published to a Pub/Sub topic.

Example: Subscribing to Pub/Sub Events

exports.pubSubFunction = functions.pubsub.topic('my-topic').onPublish((message) => {
  const data = message.json;
  console.log('Data received from Pub/Sub:', data);

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Here, the function listens for messages published to the my-topic Pub/Sub topic and processes them.

Firebase Storage

You can trigger Cloud Functions when files are uploaded, modified, or deleted in Firebase Storage. This is useful for tasks like image processing, generating thumbnails, etc.

Example: Trigger on File Uploads

exports.generateThumbnail = (object) => {
  const filePath =;
  console.log('File uploaded:', filePath);
  // Perform file processing tasks here

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Cloud Functions can be triggered in response to changes in Firestore documents. This is perfect for sending notifications, enforcing rules, or performing background tasks.

Example: Firestore Trigger on Document Write

exports.onUserCreate = functions.firestore
    .onCreate((snap, context) => {
      const newUser =;
      console.log('New user created:', newUser);

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This function triggers whenever a new user document is created in the users collection.


Firebase Cloud Functions can also respond to Firebase Authentication events, such as when a new user signs up or deletes their account.

Example: Trigger on User Sign-Up

exports.sendWelcomeEmail = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
  const email =;
  console.log("Sending welcome email");
  // Send email logic goes here

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Logs and Monitoring

Firebase provides built-in logging and monitoring via Google Cloud's logging tools. This makes it easy to debug, monitor performance, and get insights into how your functions are performing.

Use console.log, console.error, etc., to generate logs that are viewable in the Firebase Console or Google Cloud Console.

Example: Basic Logging

exports.logDemo = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
  console.log("Log entry created");
  res.send("Check your Firebase Logs");

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To view logs:

Here, you’ll see logs associated with your deployed functions.

Best Practices

  1. Optimize Function Cold Starts:
    Functions may experience delays during cold starts. To reduce latency, minimize package sizes and initialize external services like Firestore and Authentication only when needed.

  2. Security Rules:
    Use Firebase’s security rules to restrict access to your Firestore and Storage services. Ensure that your Cloud Functions also validate incoming data to avoid unauthorized access.

  3. Error Handling:
    Always handle errors within your Cloud Functions to ensure that exceptions are logged and won’t result in silent failures.

  4. Testing Locally:
    You can test your functions locally before deploying them by using the Firebase Emulator Suite. This allows you to simulate various Firebase services and reduce errors in production.


Firebase Cloud Functions allow you to build and scale serverless applications without managing infrastructure, while tightly integrating with Firebase services like Firestore, Storage, and Authentication. Whether it’s building a real-time chat app, automating backend tasks, or handling events from other Firebase services, Cloud Functions make your development process smoother.

Get started today, and enjoy the benefits of scalable, serverless backend architecture!

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