I like web speech API in that it can help assist with learning human languages.
But forget about mobile first, it's not even cross platform.
Try running this both on mobile and desktop.
An approach to cross platform web speech API
const allVoices: Record<string, string> = {}
speechSynthesis.getVoices().map(v => {
allVoices[v.lang] = v.lang
speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = () => {
speechSynthesis.getVoices().map(v => {
allVoices[v.lang] = v.lang
export function speak (s: string, lang: string) {
const voices = Object.keys(allVoices)
const stage1 = () => voices.filter((v) => v === lang)[0]
const stage2 = () => {
const m1 = lang.substr(0, 2)
const m2 = lang.substr(3, 2)
const r1 = new RegExp(`^${m1}[-_]${m2}`, 'i')
return voices.filter((v) => r1.test(v))[0]
const stage3 = () => {
const m1 = lang.substr(0, 2).toLocaleLowerCase()
return voices.filter((v) => v.toLocaleLowerCase().startsWith(m1))[0]
lang = stage1() || stage2() || stage3() || ''
if (lang) {
const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(s)
utterance.lang = lang
Basically, if you get the first two characters right, and the platform offers web speech API. You can "speak". For example, zh
, ja
and ru
Integrating into SSG without modifying the JavaScript
An approach is using an IFrame, with frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"
, if your SSG does not sanitize Markdown.
Actually, if you choose JavaScript path, it is harder, as <script>
tags aren't run by default. You have to always activate it.
document.querySelectorAll('script').forEach((script) => {
A lesson from lazily creating *.html
In my mind, a simplest SSG is not Eleventy, but parcel.js, but it is completely barebone; as you can parcel build src/*.html
Sadly, HTML is not for mobile by default. There is a minimally required tag, if you want it mobile-accessible.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
Otherwise, it will be very small on mobile. I also recommend <meta charset="UTF-8">
. For VSCode, the Emmet is html:5
Another simplest, but important thing, is social links aren't enabled by default. You might do something like, (at bare minimum)
meta(name="description", content=description data-meta="description")
meta(property="og:title" content=title data-meta="title")
meta(property="og:description" content=description data-meta="description")
meta(property="og:image" content=image data-meta="image")
meta(property="og:url" content=url data-meta="url")
meta(property="twitter:title" content=title data-meta="title")
meta(property="twitter:description" content=description data-meta="description")
meta(property="twitter:image" content=image data-meta="image")
GitHub Pages vs Now.sh (aka Zeit.co) vs Netlify
For simple websites, Now.sh and Neltify also offers staging URL for deploying to production. This makes sure I don't unpurposefully break the production as online env might be different from your local machine.
Also, now.sh URLs are ridiculously short (just like js.org).
style="width: 20px; height: 20px;"
frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true">
(Not working on Dev.to. I guess <script>
, <style>
and <iframe>
are usually sanitized.)
The project
The website for creation is here -- https://speak-btn.now.sh
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