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Cover image for Would you like to know what I've learned by building Expense Tracking App?
Pavel Keyzik
Pavel Keyzik

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Would you like to know what I've learned by building Expense Tracking App?

Hey guys! I've been building my Expense Tracking App about 1.5 months and I have a question for you. Would you be interested if I tell you what I've learned for this short period and how I've changed the way I work? I'm thinking it can be interesting for someone, but I want to hear from you. What do you want to hear?

Top comments (3)

barathrum54 profile image

Actually 1.5 months sounds exciting. Please tell us more about your development process since i'm struggling with finishing projects which takes more time than a week.

pavelkeyzik profile image
Pavel Keyzik

I'd love to tell about it more, because I'm struggling with this problem, but now it doesn't seems like a problem to me. At least for now 😂