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Pedro Araújo
Pedro Araújo

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How to Convert Your Behance Profile and Projects to PDF

Behance to PDF

Having a good portfolio is key.
And as we all know, Behance has become a standard in showcasing portfolios and it allows designers and photographers to show their projects in a super easy, but professional way.

But there are several reasons why you should convert your behance portfolio into a PDF format. Here's how you can easily do it using Lasso's Convert To PDF Tool.

But Why Convert Your Behance Profile to PDF?

  1. Offline Accessibility: A PDF version of your Behance portfolio can be accessed offline, ensuring that your work can be viewed anytime, anywhere, without relying on internet access.

  2. Universal Format: PDFs are widely recognized and can be opened on virtually any device or operating system, making your portfolio more accessible to a broader audience.

  3. Professional Presentation: PDFs offer a professional way to present your work in a format that is widely accepted in the business world, ideal for emails, presentations and printouts.

  4. Control over Layout: While Behance offers a great platform for displaying your work, converting your projects to PDF gives you more control over the layout and presentation of your portfolio.

  5. Archiving and Backup: Having a PDF copy provides a backup of your portfolio, ensuring that your work is preserved in a format that won't change over time.

  6. Sharing and Distribution: PDFs are easy to share and distribute, making it easier to send your portfolio to potential clients, employers, or collaborators.

  7. Print-Ready: A PDF version of your portfolio is print-ready, allowing you to easily create physical copies for interviews, presentations, or exhibitions.

Convert a Profile

  1. Visit the Lasso Tool: Enter your email or login with google at Lasso's Behance to PDF conversion page.

  2. Choose a Template After login, select the template you want for your PDF

  3. Enter Your Behance Profile URL: Enter your username and paste it into the designated field on the app.

  4. Start the Conversion Process: Follow the checklist, making sure all your data on behance is up-to-date. Once you're readdy, click on the convert button to initiate the conversion. Lasso will process your Behance project and convert it into a PDF file.

  5. Download Your PDF: Once the conversion is complete, you'll be able to download the PDF version of your project. You will be a paid account to download a non-watermark version, that's ready for professional use.

  6. Review and Share: Make sure to review the PDF for any layout or formatting issues.
    If you want to make any changes, just update your behance portfolio and generate your pdf again.

Convert a Project

  1. Login to Lasso: Enter your email or login with google at Lasso's Behance to PDF conversion page.

  2. Enter Your Behance Project URL: Enter the URL of the Behance project you want to convert to PDF. Simply copy the URL from your browser and paste it into the designated field on the app.

  3. Start the Conversion Process: Click on the convert button to initiate the conversion. Lasso will process your Behance project and convert it into a PDF file. (Note that it might take a few minutes to process, depending on the size of your project.)

  4. Download Your PDF: Once the conversion is complete, you'll be able to download the PDF version of your project. You will need a paid account to download a non-watermark version, that's ready for professional use.

Convert to Your Own Website

With Lasso, you can also convert your Behance projects to your own website! PDFs are super useful, but having a website is even better.

Just go to Portfolio Builder, claim your unique username, which will be available at, and follow the steps to create your own website. You can import your Behance information and projects directly, saving you hours work and then choose one of our templates to customize it to your liking.


Converting your Behance projects to PDF is a great move for any designer or photographer looking to expand the reach and accessibility of their portfolio. With Lasso, this process is super easy and efficient. No need to waste time designing different versions of the same portfolio, just for one job offer.

By converting your Behance projects to PDF, you can ensure that your work is accessible, professional, and preserved for the long term.

And with the website builder, you can take it a step further and create your own website. That way you can have the best of both worlds, a professional PDF and a website to showcase your work.

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