Total cost of ownership (TCO) is a financial estimate intended to help buyers and owners determine the direct and indirect costs of a product or service. The TCO Calculator helps you estimate the cost savings of operating your solution on Azure over time, instead of in your on-premises datacenter.
With the TCO Calculator, you enter the details of your on-premises workloads. Then you review the suggested industry average cost (which you can adjust) for related operational costs. These costs include electricity, network maintenance, and IT labor. Youβre then presented with a side-by-side report. Using the report, you can compare those costs with the same workloads running on Azure.
- Define your workloads
- In a browser, go to Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator page.
- click + Add server workload under the Define your workloads
Enter the details of your on-premises server infrastructure. After adding a workload, select the workload type and enter the remaining details.
Select + Add server workload to make a row for a new server workloads definition.
In the Storage, click Add storage, and select the storage type and enter the remaining details.
Click Next
- Adjust assumptions
The following assumptions in the TCO model are industry averages accredited by Nucleus Research. Explore the options, Update, and customize these values to reflect your situation, to match your on-premises environment but here we would only specify the currency and leave the remaining fields at their default values.
Review the report
. Update the timeframe and region with the settings below
To modify the information you provided, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Back.As you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see a comparison of running your workloads in the on-premises versus Azure cost over time.
To save or print a PDF copy of the report, click Download.
Congratulations! You have used the TCO Calculator to generate a cost comparison report for an on-premises environment.
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