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Peter Rauscher
Peter Rauscher

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Leveraging tail recursion for faster runtimes and smaller footprints

Recursion is a programming concept you probably already know from studying data structures and algorithms. It's a highly readable, easily understandable way of writing methods that involves a call to itself within its definition. However, iterative code that utilizes loops and shared memory is often more efficient in both memory and CPU usage. As StackOverflow user Leigh Caldwell puts it,

Loops may achieve a performance gain for your program. Recursion may achieve a performance gain for your programmer. Choose which is more important in your situation!

Fortunately, a method of programming called tail recursion combines these concepts to drastically improve the efficiency of your code while remaining easily readable and maintainable. Let's dive into tail recursion, more about what it is, how to use it, and why you should be using it over traditional recursion.

So what is tail recursion?

A tail recursive function is one where the recursive function call is the last operation it executes. Let's look at a classic recursive problem: finding the sum of a list of numbers.

First, let's look at how you might intuitively solve this problem using traditional recursion:

Traditional Recursion

def sum(array):
    if array == []:
        return 0
        return array[0] + sum(array[1:])
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Consider how the computer executes this code when the function call is sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]):

sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
1 + sum([2, 3, 4, 5])
1 + 2 + sum([3, 4, 5])
1 + 2 + 3 + sum([4, 5])
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + sum([5])
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + sum([])
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 0
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
1 + 2 + 3 + 9
1 + 2 + 12
1 + 14
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That was a lot of work to get our answer! Notice how the computer didn't start computing our sum until every recursive call was completed? That's not ideal. Let's take a look at how tail recursion can fix that problem:

Tail Reucrsion: The Better Approach

# runningSum defaults to 0 if only one argument is given
def sum(array, runningSum = 0):
    if array == []:
        return runningSum
        return sum(array[1:], runningSum + array[0])
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Here, our execution trace looks more like this:

sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
sum([2, 3, 4, 5], 1)
sum([3, 4, 5], 3)
sum([4, 5], 6)
sum([5], 10)
sum([], 15)
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A lot smaller, right? Our computer will think so too, consuming much less memory and performing the computations as we recurse rather than all at once at the end. When working with large datasets, this approach can save you a lot of runtime and stay within reasonable bounds for memory usage.

How to convert a recursive function to tail recursion?

Now that you're sold, you can convert a recursive function to tail recursion in one of two ways. The most common method is to use an accumulator, like our runningSum from the previous example. Alternatively, you can use a technique called continuation-passing style which we'll explore in a moment.

Using Accumulators

An accumulator is a variable that keeps track of the intermediate result of the computation. Instead of returning the result of each recursive call, we pass the accumulated result as an argument to the next call.

For example, consider the following recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number:

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n - 1)
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We can convert this function to tail-recursive by using an accumulator, called acc in this case:

def factorial(n, acc=1):
    if n == 0:
        return acc
        return factorial(n - 1, n * acc)
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Here, our argument acc keeps track of the intermediate result. In each recursive call, we multiply n by acc and pass it as the new value of acc. The final result is returned when n becomes 0, and we have nothing left to recurse on. In this way, computations are performed each time we call the function, rather than delaying, and memory usage is kept constant.

Using CPS (Continuation-Passing Style)

An alternative method to convert a recursive function to tail-recursive is by
using Continuation-Passing Style (CPS). Here, instead of returning the
result of a function, we pass a "continuation function" as an argument, which is a function that represents the rest of the
computation that needs to be performed with the result of the current

Consider our factorial example once more:

def factorial_cps(n, cont):
    if n == 0:
        return cont(1)
        return factorial_cps(n - 1, lambda res: cont(n * res))
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Here, we added an extra argument cont, our continuation function. In each recursive call, we pass into it a lambda function that multiplies n with the result obtained from the previous call. The final result is obtained by calling the continuation function with the accumulated value of the multiplication.

Which to use?

As with everything nice like this, there's not a clear answer. Some problems may not work using an accumulator variable, whereas others will. Ultimately, when possible, an accumulator is preferred because it's easier to read and implement. But, when the problem requires (example: depth of a binary tree) don't be afraid to implement a continuation-passing style function callback that gets the job done efficiently.

Top comments (1)

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello • Edited

Since Python doesn't do tail-call optimization, an iterative version with a loop will still be faster than a tail-recursive function. Tail recursion is most powerful in a language like Scheme that optimizes tail calls. Under the hood, a tail call can in principle be implemented as a jump, avoiding stack frames all together. Most languages don't make this optimization though. And of the few that do, Python is not one of them.

With that said, just because a loop would be faster doesn't necessarily mean that one should choose iteration over recursion. It depends on how much faster. Recursion is sometimes more readable.

Related.... Non-tail recursive is sometimes more readable than tail recursive. Your factorial example is such a case. The non-tail recursive version maps directly to math definition of the function, so it is clearer. The tail recursive versions may or may not be faster than the other. You'd need to do a microbenchmark, perhaps with timeit, to verify. But it is unlikely sufficiently faster to justify any tradeoff with readability. Both versions involve a call stack of the same depth. The stack frames might be slightly larger in the tail recursive versions, actually, with the extra parameter variable. So I wouldn't be surprised if the tail recursive versions are actually slower than the non-tail recursive version. You'd need to time to know for sure. But more importantly, in this example, the tail recursive versions are less readable, likely outweighing any possible performance gains. And if performance was really that important, a loop will definitely be faster in this example than all of the recursive versions.

Aside from speed, all of your recursion examples regardless of whether or not tail recursive will likely hit Python's default depth limit for recursion, unless n is small. The depth limit default is around 1000 (might vary by version). You can increase it, but only so much. Recursive functions with O(n) depth are often problematic due to memory needs of call stack. Recursive factorial (all versions) use O(n) memory due to call stack depth, vs O(1) memory for iterative version. It's even worse for your recursive sum because each stack frame is using O(n) memory.