A data-driven culture translates data into actions in the world. For data, I have chosen the dataset from Stack Overflow survey as provider. Also, I am using the trans community as my persona.
I have used the Stack Overflow Survey Dataset to deeply analyze and bring insights about trans people in the IT community.
I will answer these questions below:
- How has the number of trans people identified in the survey changed in the past three years?
- What are the top and bottom countries by the number of trans people?
- What is the current situation with programming skills by trans people?
I have merged all datasets from 2019, 2020, and 2021 and created a new dataset with the common columns. After that I have separated the main columns:
- Trans (Yes, No, Prefer not to say)
- Country (United States, Brazil, Netherlands, etc.)
- yearData (2019,2020 or 2021)
- mainBranch (Current situation with programming skills)
I've developed an interesting to answer these questions. You can play with it here:
How can we improve the number of trans poeple in IT community?
I really would like to hear your suggestions!
Let's discuss about it on comments.
Top comments (1)
I believe that specific bootcamps and opportunities for this public could help too much!