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Phuoc Nguyen
Phuoc Nguyen

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Select the direct children of an element

When we use the querySelectorAll function to select all children of a given element, it fetches all the children, including the nested ones. But what if you only want to retrieve the direct children? That's where the > selector comes in handy.

To make things clearer, here's an example: let's say you want to select all direct children of an element with the ID of parent. You can simply use the following code:

const parentElement = document.getElementById('parent');
const directChildren = parentElement.querySelectorAll('> *');
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In the code above, we're using getElementById to select a parent element with a specific id attribute. Then, we use querySelectorAll to choose all direct children of that parent element using the > selector. The * selector matches any element, so this code selects all direct children, no matter their tag name.

If you only want to select a specific type of tag, you can use that tag name instead of the * selector. For example, the following code selects only the li tags that are direct children of a given ul element.

This approach excludes any nested li tags.

const ul = document.getElementById('list');
const directItems = ul.querySelectorAll('> li');
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