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How to dockerize a C++ application?

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If you ever wanted to ensure a consistent environment for your application, you most probably know that containerization is the way to go. To containerize a C++ application, let's first setup a simple file structure:

|- src
|  |- main.cpp
|- Dockerfile
|- CMakeLists.txt
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Now add a simple main function:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    while (true) {
        std::cout << "Hello from the inside of the container" << std::endl;
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And a simple CMakeLists.txt file:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
target_sources(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main.cpp)
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Having this, it's time to write the Dockerfile:

# Use an official Ubuntu base image
FROM ubuntu:20.04
# Assure non-interactive mode of installers
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive 
# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
# Copy necessary files
COPY ./src /app/src
COPY ./CMakeLists.txt /app
# Build the application
WORKDIR /app/build
RUN cmake ..
RUN cmake --build .
# Run the application
CMD ["./CppDocker"]
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When the Dockerfile is ready, you can build a Docker image by running the following command:

docker build -t cpp_docker_image .
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If you don't want to use sudo every time when calling docker command, you may want to change the permissions of one of the docker files by running sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock.

Note for beginners: remember that changing permissions of /var/run/docker.sock may have consequences related to security, so you want to think twice before you do this in the production environment!

After successful build, you can check the list of the images by running:

docker images
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This will show you a table like the following:

REPOSITORY         TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
cpp_docker_image   latest    e132d245100b   About a minute ago   450MB
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To create a container out of your image, use command:

docker run cpp_docker_image
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This is the simplest form of this command, but most likely you would like to extend it with the following option and flags:

  • --rm - removes container after it has been stopped
  • --name - allows you to assign a custom name to your container (otherwise Docker will choose some random name)
  • -d - detaches process from your current terminal what effectively makes the container to run in the background.

Eventually our command looks like this:

docker run --rm --name my_cpp_application -d cpp_docker_image
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Now you can check the table of currently running containers with docker ps command. If everything went ok, you should see such output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE              COMMAND         CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
a99c1e9e0bbc   cpp_docker_image   "./CppDocker"   12 seconds ago   Up 11 seconds             my_cpp_application
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Finally, let's look at the logs from the application. Run docker logs my_cpp_application and check if you see the following output:

Hello from the inside of the container
Hello from the inside of the container
Hello from the inside of the container
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If yes, you've just successfully containerized a C++ application.

Note for beginners: if you leave the container like this, it will run in the background forever. To stop the application, run docker container stop my_cpp_application command.
Note for advanced: if you need more in-depth look into your container, you can get inside the container's shell terminal using command docker container exec -it my_cpp_application /bin/bash. You can also do this at the container startup by using command docker run -it cpp_docker_image /bin/bash.

Top comments (2)

pgradot profile image
Pierre Gradot

I believe this solution may be unfortunate (or at least as huge drawbacks).

Here, you have a very simple project, with a single cpp file. And yet, there is an issue: each time you modify either this cpp file or CMakeLists.txt, the COPY layers invalidate the next layers, and you have to run both your CMake commands. You even regenerate the project each time. This takes time. Since the project is small, it's little time, so it might be OK.

But what happens when you have hundreds of files, and you modify just one (only one) of them? You will have to rebuild every cpp files, even if you simply fix a typo in a comment of CMakeLists.txt. You probably don't want this.

What is your actual purpose here:

  1. build your application inside Docker?
  2. or run this application (once built) inside Docker?

If case 1, I suggest you take a look at my article on the subject: The idea is to build inside the container, but the source files remain on your host (there are not copied inside the image).

If case 2, your solution is acceptable if you want your CI to generate a Docker image with the application. You ensure that the application is built and run in the same environment, with the same standard libraries. However, it's absolutely not convenient on your own machine to test the application. Instead, we may want to build the application (inside Docker as in case 1, or not) and then create an image will only the executable (not the source code).

You have something like this:

FROM debian:bookworm
COPY cmake-build-release/application.out /app/application.out
CMD /app/application.out
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$ docker build -t cpp-docker .
$ docker run --rm -it cpp-docker
Hello from the inside of the container
Hello from the inside of the container
Hello from the inside of the container
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You probably want the FROM to get the same version as your host OS (or, if you build inside a container, use the same FROM for both images).

dyfet profile image
David Sugar • Edited

Indeed, I have actually built large C++ projects in docker, it can work, but not like this.

First, you want a multi-stage docker file, so that you do not get the build environment and artifacts layered into your final image.

Naturally I start from Alpine, too, and actually rather than the host development platform, because this is for real-world delivery, I am rebuilding from scratch anyway, and I want small images. I also actually turn the project into a source archive tarball, transfer, and unpack that, in one operation. Consider this...

# Common setup image for build and deploy
FROM alpine:latest as setup
RUN apk update --no-cache && apk upgrade --no-cache &&\
    apk add --no-cache openssl c-ares fmt libstdc++ mosquitto-libs &&\
    mkdir -p /app &&\
    mkdir -p /src &&\
    mkdir -p /data

# Builder creates application with vendor bundle
FROM setup as build
ADD coventry-${VERSION}.tar.gz src/
WORKDIR /src/coventry-${VERSION}
RUN apk add --no-cache alpine-sdk cmake openssl-dev fmt-dev c-ares-dev mosquitto-dev samurai

# Build from source...
RUN cmake \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR=/app/data/man \
    -DSERVER_CONFIG_FILE=/app/coventry.conf \
    -DSERVER_LOGGER_PATH=/var/log \
    -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include \
    -GNinja . && ninja install

# Deployed images don't use utilities, keep for making debug images...
RUN rm -rf /app/data/man &&\
    strip /app/coventry /app/pbx-*

# Final deploy image, minimal layers
FROM setup as deploy
LABEL maintainer="David Sugar <>"
EXPOSE 5060/udp
EXPOSE 5060/tcp
ENTRYPOINT /app/coventry -vvv
VOLUME /data
COPY --from=build /app .
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