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A Career Change? Are you MAD!!! - You are too OLD!!

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot


The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” — Steve Jobs

Avni Piro.png

Hi, I am Avni, Most people at 40, probably start to think carefully about their retirement plans or some form of investments or pension or even job security, just to make sure they have a secured future for when they retire and for their family.
Well, I on the other hand decided to follow my passion and seek a change, so I decided to join the IT industry with the goal of being a Software Developer.
I plan to share with you my journey, I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and how I gave up a 14-year finance career to try to fulfill my passion and a dream of becoming a software developer.


A History Lesson.

A quick history lesson on the life of Avni, I've always shown enthusiasm when it came to computers and programming back as early as I can remember, having the first PC I was so focused on the fascination for learning, how it all worked and behaved.

So fast forward a few years, it was now 2004, and that fascination led me to university
where I was studying Computer System and Software Engineering and I was in my second year, however, at the time I was engaged to an amazing woman, after being together for 3 years, we got married in that same year, so I was now a married man, having to support a family house, working and at university.
By 2006, I managed to complete my degree with honors and was set to fulfill my potential in the IT world, (well that was how it was supposed to end), however, with the start of the worlds economic crisis and the job hunt was not really going too well, my career path led me to finance, in early 2007 I was temping for a great firm, my role involved the usual data entry and office administration work (Filing).

Life-Changing News.

It was February 2007 when my life changed, my wife and I were expecting our first baby and on that very same day, the company I was temping for, was so impressed with my work, that they offered me a permanent position in finance. I grabbed it with both hands, that job security and providing for my growing family did ease some of that pressure, in my mind, it was not what I had my heart set on but due to the circumstances my mindset changed, I was going to be a dad and I had to provide regardless if it was a career I wanted or not. So over the coming years, I continued to work hard and show the same enthusiasm by doing courses and trying to improve my skills and knowledge. In 2016 there was a position available within my department, a payroll manager role, I was considering applying but at the same time was reluctant as nerves and doubt set in. I eventually gave in and applied and was successful, it meant more money and extra responsibility especially since my family had grown, now a father of two.
I continued in that same role until I was made redundant in August of 2021. 14 great years working for this amazing supportive company, learned a lot, and the trust they showed me, allowing me the responsibilities where I gained some valuable experience and skills all came to an end.

Work was Work.

14 years in Finance was not what I had hoped for, but it was a job and it was providing food for my family, In those 14 years I tried to keep up to date with the IT world if not as a career but as a hobby and would read about the next trend of programming languages: Python, Javascript, and all these different frameworks and so on.
But, in the back of my mind and in my heart, I always felt disappointed that I was not in the career I wanted and had wasted my time studying at university especially if I was not fulfilling my passion and potential as a software developer.
As grateful as I am for the 14 years in finance, truth to be told, it never was a career I wanted or was really happy in. I tried many times flirting with IT, but the doubt and willingness if I would succeed or whether I was now past my sell-by date.

The morning after.

It was 6 am, the morning after, and I woke up to the sound of my, "yes" our new addition to the family our 4th child, asking for milk.
As I was warming up the baby's milk, it was at that very point it hit me, I was now unemployed.
Before, I was so busy, helping the company set up new systems and training, that I did not have time to think about my redundancy let alone what I will be doing next.

So I was in deep thoughts, questioning myself "What the 'beep' do I do now!", "do I stay in finance", "who will employ me", I was thinking all sorts of crazy things?
Managed to gather my composure and walked up the stair to attend to my daughter and presented her with her milk.
Spent the rest of the day, with the family but was not able to shake off the thought of what my next plan was.

That very evening I began to search on google for potential Payroll or finance roles, and remember thinking, how am I supposed to apply, I don't have LinkedIn or resume.
So, I started the next few hours, well in fact working through the night, working on my resume, which I spent most of the time looking at a blank word document and arguing with myself on what I should or should not include in my resume.

Meanwhile, I found myself looking at programming languages, IT blogs, and youtube videos of self-taught developers, and when I began to think about a career change and the excitement of going back into IT, the passion was once again burning my desire and my inner drive was in full throttle and this was without typing a single **Hello World **program.

One door closes and another door opens.

Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” — Chris Grosser

The very next day, I gathered my thoughts and explained to my wife that I wanted to go back into IT as it was my first love, something that has always been a part of my life.
My wife and kids are amazing as usual, seeing that passion and drive, they encouraged
and are very much supportive of my career change, excited for me, as they could see my passion in my eyes and finally see that I can try to fulfill my potential and do something I had my heart set on.

Over the next few weeks, I began to research and build up my knowledge of the different tech terminologies, the different learning paths, and discover what stacks meant. A lot has changed in the IT world over the last 15 years, back when I was at Uni there were now iPhones or Androids, so I wanted to be updated.
There was still this dark cloud hanging over my head, negative thoughts of Am I too old? or am I employable? or Will they take me seriously? or How long will it take me?.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” — Confucius

With all my negative thoughts aside, I am on this journey to achieve my ambition of becoming a software developer, as I stated above, whether I am struggling or succeeding I will share my journey while providing weekly blogs.

Thank You


Top comments (2)

gmf002 profile image
George Fazio

I switched from an IT system administration role to a developer role in fall of 2020 while pandemic was still in full swing at 47. It's not as drastic of a change as you're making, but it was a still a big change after 20 plus years of being a systems admin. My employer made it happen after I told my manager I was bored in my old role. They did a 6 month trial, and then made it permanent. My new team has been extremely supportive, and I learn something new everyday.

I wish you the best on your journey.

piro profile image

Brilliant, will not lie, I am still very nervous however, I am putting in the work to learn and improve everyday. Thank you for your story and encouragement