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React.js Frequently Faced Problems

Samer Buna on February 20, 2018

At jsComplete, we manage a slack account dedicated to helping code learners get unstuck. We receive some interesting problems every now and then ...
kayis profile image

It's very interesting that most of these problems aren't even React related.

Most are based on missing JavaScript knowledge (method binding, exports) or general lack of programming skills (case sensitivity, versioning)

samerbuna profile image
Samer Buna


A big advantage of React is that it has a small API. Most of the skills of a React developer is a reflection of their JavaScript skills.

jacklinj066 profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct

I agree with your point. React Js development company in India

jjsantos profile image
Juan De los santos

I completely agree with you. When I started using reactjs I found a lot of issues because, literally, I tried to run before learning how to walk... Currently I still having a lot of things pending to learn or to implement in practice, but I'm really excited about using reactjs :D

acmoune profile image
Chris Moune • Edited

Just start JS with JS. I think it is good to learn the old js first, go through the "you don't know javascript" serie of kyle simpson, then you take the ES6 book of Zakas. After that you will be ready for any JS and Node library/framework.

kayis profile image

I didn't expect so many people start JS with React. I started 2011 with ExtJS and then Ember, so Reac was easier than everything I saw before xD

hdv profile image
Hussein Duvigneau • Edited

I found it pretty insightful to set up AirBnB linting and learning from what it flags up as issues, esp. since the app might apparently still work correctly with various anti-patterns or misuse without you realising you're doing something wrong.

A decent IDE would have flagged up some of these issues and not necessarily explained what was wrong, but the linter would have picked up pretty much all of these issues and explained exactly what's wrong and common best-practice solutions/alternatives.

kayis profile image
K • Edited

Haha, just today I read AirBnB lint rules aren't best practise and you should use the config react rules xD

hdv profile image
Hussein Duvigneau

interesting; have a link?

Thread Thread
kayis profile image
anthonybrown profile image
Tony Brown

That's not entirely true if you read what Ryan is saying

sunilku94128642 profile image
Sunil Kumar

Thanks for posting useful information.You have provided an nice article, Thank you very much for this one. And i hope this will be useful for many people.. and i am waiting for your next post keep on updating these kinds of knowledgeable things...Really it was an awesome article...very interesting to read..please sharing like this information......

rahulahire profile image
Rahul Ahire • Edited

hi, samer i had an one question that when i was going through various tutorials for react, i found out strings in a state component were all written in capital letters

for eg. (reference: image uploaded)
can you please help me by telling why letters are capitalized in string in this case

onDeleteClick = async (id, dispatch) => {

    dispatch({type: 'DELETE_CONTACT', payload: id});
    } catch(e){
        dispatch({type: 'DELETE_CONTACT', payload: id});        }

and this example which i have practiced

samerbuna profile image
Samer Buna

It's just a common practice to do for strings that are supposed to be unique fixed values in a program. There is no syntax significance to this. You can use lower case values and things will still work.

In modern JS, you can use the "symbol" primitive type to provide unique values and it's a much better deal than using just strings (regardless of their case).

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Besides tagged string literals, what's so good about the backtick style strings vs concatenation?

'{ a: ' + a + ' b: ' + b + ' c: ' + c + ' }'
'{ a: '+a+' b: '+b+' c: '+c+' }'
`{ a: ${a} b: ${b} c: ${c} }`

In some cases it's even longer:

'' + a + b + c
sunilku94128642 profile image
Sunil Kumar

Thanks for posting useful information.You have provided an nice article, Thank you very much for this one. And i hope this will be useful for many people.. and i am waiting for your next post keep on updating these kinds of knowledgeable things...Really it was an awesome article...very interesting to read..please sharing like this information......

sad_macbook profile image
fka chadmadna

Funny that I thought this was supposed to be an interesting analysis on why React can be very problematic sometimes.

zhaozhiming profile image

I used to make such a mistake: import react from 'react';
In this sentence the first react must be React but I often forgot it.

anthonybrown profile image
Tony Brown

This is old hat, always use the prototype to share

barrymichaeldoyle profile image
Barry Michael Doyle • Edited

Hey Samer, This is a great article. Are you planning on releasing an ebook version of your ReactJS books? I'd really like to buy them, but shipping to South Africa is a real pain.

samerbuna profile image
Samer Buna

Hey Barry, the digital versions of the books are available at

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Very interesting article Samer. May I also add, forgetting to use export a module when declaring a new component?

sunethpremarathna profile image

Thank You Samer, this was very helpful.

pushker_modepalli_14 profile image
pushker modepalli

These frequently facedproblems are deprecated. I think it's better to update with functional components. Most of questions are not related to reactjs.