It's that time of year again, Ubuntu 20.04 is now available. Will this be the release that steals away more Windows users?
No, 2020 won't be the...
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I am lover of Ubuntu... not Ubuntu desktop but Ubuntu servers.
However, still windows desktop has easier UI
I am already sold to linux, I have sacrificed my paid windows for this.
Dumped Windows years ago. I remember the fist time I dual booted Ubuntu - it felt like I had a new laptop - everything was so much faster. Gradually booted Ubuntu more and more until Windows just felt like it was wasting space on the HDD. Have never looked back
Hello Jeremy, I really like your post so much. I am currently running Ubuntu 18.04 with windows (Dual Boot). Now, I want to update my Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04. Can you tell me how to do it?? I am eager to use it.
I haven't done this upgrade myself, but I found this guide that looks very similar to how I've updated Ubuntu in the past.
Thank you for the good article. It seems it's as easy as:
$ sudo do-release-upgrade
after some preparations.
No. I'm core audience material and have been for a very long time. Windows is just easier and there's no arguments between factions concerning being "open enough" or whatever let's make everyone's life harder tangent Richard Stallman is barking about this week. (+WSL exists)
The greatest thing about Ubuntu and it's derviatives is that I can install if for my parents and basically remove all the "danger zone" functionality from the UI, configure unattended updates and I have no trouble since 16.04. while with windows I had every two weeks an issue to solve for them (something broke after updates, they klicked something and installed a ransomware etc)
Ubuntu 20.04 really is a quality product and a great introduction to the world of Linux. It's more difficult when people cannot buy a machine with Linux preinstalled in the stores but I do hope that more try and explore the world of Linux as it is not that challenging to install. There are so many benefits to it. I personally moved from macOS almost two years ago after some 15 years on Macs and I do not plan to go back.
I am using Ubuntu 20.04 in my desktop and using windows in Virtual box because I use windows only when I need Windows office or play games that work only on windows. It was a bit difficult to use Nvidia GPU with Ubuntu.
Dual boot might have been better though. Anyway I love how fast my ubuntu PC is.
That's really nice!
I completely stuck in a bog of Apple ecosystem but my first love of Unix was Ubuntu indeed. So I'm really happy how it developing and gain more users.
I wish game development move somewhere from Windows but so far it's monopolized.
for years i had arguments and discutions aout moving large part of our developers to a new platforms, code etc...
now im sorry i haven't done this before.
my feeling is not only Ubuntu, but linux haven't scratched the surface yet.while windows still aiming for the same old markets. sooner or later its gonna change.
already were seeing new trend in the mobile platforms and ML that will allow servers like Red Hat or Debian to be online 24/7 and totally detached from any home pc/laptop. i think it's time Microsoft will reinvent itself "or else..."
I've tried Linux several times, and could never get used to it. I just prefer Windows, for development and gaming. I've never thought in my time as a developer that I needed to use Linux because Windows couldn't do it. Mind you I mainly develop the dot net stack and that's pretty slick to dev with on Windows. Maybe one day I'll find a good enough reason to switch to Linux but as it stands I find Windows more than capable for my needs. If I ever really need Linux capability during dev work then I'll use WSL.
I haven't experienced something like that for a long time with Ubuntu, but I'm not surprised. There are times when hardware can be a real pain to use in Linux.
All combination of hardware always forced me to go back to windows, still not convinced that it is worth the license money And waste more time by googling how to do this and how to do that..
agreed... but the chapter is about desktop ubuntu vs desktop windows...
There was twitter poll 10 days ago and Debian has beaten Ubuntu by very less margin.
I am sure that more and more people would be switching over!
Hopefully not as Ubuntu is spyware.
20.04 feels significantly faster (lightning fast!) than 18.04. I guess this is because of recent performance fixes in gnome.
still Windows =]]
Does not matter whether you move to linux or not, first of all Adobe products will not be available to download and use, and lastly a good dev is also a good dev without the OS difference.
Yeah, dev is dev. But devs' productivity is way better on Linux.
I have windows I like how it feels looks, and I know how it behaves, I tried other, I have to use mac in my job,I dont like em, wsl filled the missed features.
I'm the opposite, where I feel more "at home" in Linux. However Windows has its advantages, and WSL is certainly closing the gap for Windows.
Wait 20.04 is out Im still in 18.04
I installed Ubuntu 20.04 inside WSL so they kind of got me in between the best of both worlds.
Yeah, I really enjoy using WSL. It's helping turn Windows into an excellent developer environment.
Which OS do you use?
I had been using Ubuntu for the long time, but I switched(and after that to mac os) to elementaryos cuz unite is not comfortable for me. But server Ubuntu is really cool)
I will completely erase windows only when StarCraft 2 will work directly on Linux, without extra layers of VM... which will never happen probably :C