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Instagram clone video part1 using html css js


Instagram Frontend Clone | Part 1 - Profile Section | HTML & CSS
In this video, we're building the frontend of an Instagram profile from scratch using HTML and CSS. This is the first part of a two-part series where we will:

Create a sleek profile header with a settings icon, username, and customizable options.
Add a profile image section.
Implement clean buttons for editing the profile, viewing the archive, and using ad tools.
Include a detailed bio section with hashtags and a “more” link.
This tutorial is designed to help you understand basic layout structuring, Flexbox, and Font Awesome icons integration. Don't miss Part 2, where we will further enhance the UI with interactive elements and advanced styling techniques!

Stay tuned! Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more frontend development tutorials!

InstagramClone #HTML #CSS #WebDevelopment #Frontend #CodingForBeginners #LearningWithFun #WebDesign #UI #CodingTutorial #Education #WebStreet

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