DEV Community

Priyanka Tamhankar
Priyanka Tamhankar

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The Frontend Challenge 4 - Glam Up My Markup: Recreation

Frontend Challenge v24.07.24: Glam Up My Markup - Recreation

What I Built

I'm thrilled to be back after a brief hiatus and to dive into this challenge of creating a sports page. My goal was to design a page that feels smooth and dynamic, and while I faced some constraints with time and local challenges, I'm pleased with the outcome.

In this project, I placed a strong emphasis on animations, which really bring the design to life. The scroll animation, in particular, adds a dynamic touch to the user experience, making the page engaging and interactive.


For the best viewing experience, I recommend opening the demo in full-page mode in a new tab. The design is optimized for desktop but also functions well on mobile devices.


Returning to this challenge, I focused on creating a smooth, dynamic sports page with engaging animations. Despite some time constraints and local challenges, Iā€™m proud of how the animations, especially the scroll effect, enhance the design. This project deepened my understanding of CSS animations, and Iā€™m excited to refine my skills further and improve responsiveness and accessibility in future projects.

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