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Cover image for Launching my project a unique Color Palette Generator - CoolorBrew
Priyank Deep Singh
Priyank Deep Singh

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Launching my project a unique Color Palette Generator - CoolorBrew

Hey everyone!

Time for some personal project I have been working on (well... technically, completed two years ago but never deployed 🙃). Meet CoolorBrew—my fun little color palette generator website! And yes, the domain is live at CoolorBrew. I finally made it off and decided to bring it to the world with a refreshed UI and some cool new features in the works.

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But first, let me talk about the present: What can CoolorBrew do right now?

Lets break the first Version 🍵
In its current state, CoolorBrew lets you:

  1. Generate color palettes: Feeling a bit out of tune with your color schemes? No worries, just generate palettes and let the colors inspire you.
  2. Save palettes: You like it, you save it! Easy as that.
  3. Download palettes: Your creation isn’t just stuck in the browser, take it with you, use it wherever!
  4. Explore palette themes: Not just a random generator—there’s a whole world of curated color themes for you to dive into.
  5. Dark mode: Play with the dark mode!!

Not bad, right? But that’s just the start! The current version does what it needs to, but there’s so much to add. I know, I know—it’s not perfect yet (I can hear the UX/UI folks rolling their eyes 👀). Don’t worry, I’m working on it!

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I have already got a roadmap set for some exciting features, and I am really pumped up about them. Here’s a sneak peek at what's brewing in my brain for the next version(s):

  1. Extract colors from images: Upload an image, and voilà! You will get a palette based on the colors in it. This one is going to be really useful for designers or anyone who likes finding inspiration in photos.
  2. Generate gradient palettes: Because lets face it, gradients are in!. Simple solid colors are cool and all, but lets get those smooth transitions in there.
  3. Chrome & Figma extensions: I mean, who doesn’t love a good extension? Whether you’re working on your next big web project or sketching out ideas in Figma, you’ll be able to use CoolorBrew right there where you work.

As I said earlier, the UI isn’t perfect (yet🫤), and I plan to give it some love soon. The goal? A much smoother, more intuitive experience.

Now lets talk about the techstack. For the fellow devs out there (you know who you are), is built using:

Next.js, Because SEO matters, and I love how easy it makes routing.
Tailwind CSS, Stylish? Check. Easy?_ Double-check_. If you haven’t jumped on the Tailwind yet, you should!
TypeScript, Safety first, folks. I need my code to make sense (most of the time).

But the main question is Why Didn’t I Deploy Earlier? 🤔
Good question! Honestly, life just got in the way. You know how it goes—Office works, new projects, and suddenly two years fly by. But hey, better late than never! This year, I made it a point to revisit old projects, finish them up, and give them the love they deserve. So here I am, excited about giving CoolorBrew.

Right now, I am working on polishing the UI and making the overall experience as smooth as possible. Once the revamp is done, I will be launching the new features I mentioned earlier. Stay tuned for updates—CoolorBrew is evolving into something awesome!

That’s it for now! I do love to know what you think of the first version of CoolorBrew. Drop by and play around with it. If you have any suggestions (or want to throw compliments my way—hey, I wont complain), let me know! Cheers to colors, gradients, and all the cool things in between.

Stay tuned, and keep brewing those colors! 🎨🍻


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