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Programming Dive
Programming Dive

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Return statement in PHP

The return statement is an important language constraint to return the value to the caller. In this tutorial, we’ll see different uses of return statements in PHP with examples.

I know that there is nothing special in creating this post only for return statement. But believe me, this will create new opportunities of using return statement in different part of the codebase and we’ll understand how dynamically we can use it in our day to day coding.

In most of the scenarios, we have seen this return statement inside the function definition only.

Top comments (13)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Hi, I notice your posts are generally teasers with links to off-site content. If you include the whole post here, people here will have a better DEV experience - and you can set the canonical url in each post to reference your site, so you don't end up with SEO woes.

programmingdive profile image
Programming Dive

Hi Ben , thanks for the suggestion
I am actually afraid whether google will penalize my website because duplicate content. If this does not happen then I love to share my whole work here and as you said I will give canonical url to my webpage

marcusatlocalhost profile image

Stand up to your fears, there is nothing to be afraid of ;-) and according to this article[1], "duplicate content penalty" doesn't exist. You try to game google, which could end up to be more harmful.


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programmingdive profile image
Programming Dive

Thanks for the clarification Marcus.. here is the question.i posted my blog first and then provided that content here but still I can see this post ranked above my webpage.. I really don't understand this

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jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay • Edited

DEV itself probably has a higher score because of how active it is and all of the Backlinks (including a lot of activity and links on a big social network like Twitter).

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mxldevs profile image
MxL Devs likely is considered to be more relevant due to its scale. But that shouldn't be seen as a bad thing they're still going to see your article. I would focus on how to brand your posts instead.

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stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner

Yes, because in general is considered more relevant than your personal blog.

That's what canonical url's are for, to let google know that the original of this content lives on another site (your blog in this case), so you're doing actually more harm to you not using the canonical url feature than if you'd use it.

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programmingdive profile image
Programming Dive

Got it.. can you guys give me any example from where original post is on authors personal website but it's canonical url is pasted here along with post

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mxldevs profile image
MxL Devs

My understanding is you would set up your own site with canon meta tag

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

If you add this to your post's front matter here:


Then search engines should know that the "real" blog post lives on your own site.

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programmingdive profile image
Programming Dive • Edited

That's cool but the question is when I post my blog here with same title and content then also creates canonical tag with same title. Then how google will distinguish which is the original content?

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I'm not sure I understand what you mean?

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marcusatlocalhost profile image
Marcus • Edited

@programmingdive Google knows the post on your blog is the original one, because you set the canonical_url here on (I didn't know that's possible, but good to know)

As I see it, you try to game google[1] and you use to get some ranking for your blog. That's fine! encourages this and even gives you the tools (no rel="nofollow" and canonical_url tag). But for users, teaser posts like this can be seen as low quality (ok, I'm just speaking just for myself here) and I don't think that helps the overall quality of site (also, just my opinion).

I'd say, check out all options, and how google ranks your site under different circumstances and then write an exclusive post about what you have learned :).

[1] and google doesn't like that, tries to detect that behavior.