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Amy Dickens for Pusher

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Sponsoring You Got This 2020

Last month we sponsored You Got This 2020, which was held in Birmingham, UK. You Got This is a conference that is a bit different from the usual technology focused forays, as the content is centred on the non-technical skills needed for a happy, healthy work life.

A view of the You Got This stage from the back of the audience

But what exactly does that include?

Taking a look at this years talk titles might give you a better idea ๐Ÿ‘‡

Speaker Name Talk Title
Keziyah Lewis It's not your job to love your job
Matthew Gilliard Learning to invest in your future
Amina Adewusi How to find your perfect mentor
Gargi Sharma So good they can't ignore you!
Melinda Seckington Level Up: Developing Developers
Nathaniel Okenwa 0 to 100 Real Quick: making your first days count
Ruth Lee Company Culture, Performance Reviews & You
Dan Parkes Unions Got This: organising the tech trade
Amy Dickens Real talk about when to walk away

The event covered many of the woes that technology professionals (at all levels) face at some point in their career. From how to find the ways in which they learn best, to making tough choices on whether a job role or company culture is the right fit for them.

These topics can be very sensitive for most, and not to mention really hard to talk about. Having an event like You Got This which provides an open forum and honest talks about these topics is extremely important.

Five people talking in a group and smiling during one of the networking breaks

Not only was the content on point, the You Got This team also pride themselves in making the event an inclusive space. They made a conscious effort to provide an accessible venue, closed captioning, gender neutral toilets, pronouns on name badges, and ticket, travel and childcare scholarships.

Four people talking in a group during one of the networking breaks

The team make sure to re-iterate the importance of these features at the beginning of the event and link to their Code of Conduct for the conference. We were truly impressed with the You Got This teamโ€™s dedication to inclusion and cannot wait to see what they will bring to the event in 2021.

But donโ€™t worry if you are feeling like you missed out on You Got This 2020 - as this year's video sponsor, we've got you covered! You can now watch videos of all the talks from You Got This on our Pusher sessions YouTube channel.

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