This lab is to experiment with assembler on the x86_64 and aarch64 platforms.
Particularly, example scripts were provided in the server. First we need to extract the content to a different folder with command:
tar -xvzf spo600-assembler-lab-examples.tgz -C ~/
The code examples were shown as below:
- Review assembly language programs using
objdump -d objectfile
, compared to source code, X86_64 VS. Aarch64. - Write loop with digit in assembly language X86_64 VS. Aarch64.
Overall, the objdump
command is used to inspect compiled binaries. Thus, first using gcc
to compile hello.c
code to hello
, then using objdump
to inspect, taking the main
section as the example:
The next part was to write and run loops with assembly language. For example, if you have a assembly language file helloWorld.s
, then you have to use command as -g -o helloWorld.o helloWorld.s
to compile it. And then you have to take the helloWorld.o
file and link it using this command ld -o helloWorld helloWorld.o
and then you can actually run the program using this command ./helloWorld
The following code can give us a sequence of 'Loop: ' in the terminal
.globl _start
min = 0 /* starting value for the loop index; note that this is a symbol (constant) */
max = 11 /* loop exits when the index hits this number (loop condition is i<max) */
ten = 10
mov x19, min
mov x17, ten
mov x0, 0 /* status -> 0 */
mov x0, 1 /* file descriptor: 1 is stdout */
adr x1, msg /* message location (memory address) */
mov x2, len /* message length (bytes) */
mov x18, x19 /*mov x19 into x18 */
udiv x9, x18, x17
add x13, x9, 0x30
msub x10, x9, x17, x18 /*get remainder*/
add x14, x10, 0x30
adr x15, msg
strb w13, [x15, 8]
strb w14, [x15, 9]
mov x8, 64 /* write is syscall #64 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
add x19, x19, 1
cmp x19, max loop
msg: .ascii "Loop: \n"
len= .- msg
Similarly, the main section:
As shown above, the compiled code in Aarch64 and X86_64 are very different.
The similar program to produce a list of 'Loops: ' in X86_64 was shown as below:
.globl _start
movq $min, %r10 /*store the min vlaue into r10 as a loop index*/
movq $division, %r9 /*store the division value(10) into r9*/
cmp %r9, %r10 /*compare r10(loop index) with 10*/
jl digit_1 /*if r10 is less than 10, go to the subroutine digit_1*/
jmp digit_2 /*if r10 is greater or equal to 10, go to the subroutine digit_2*/
movq %r10, %r15 /*store the r10 value into r15*/
add $'0', %r15 /*add '0' to r15 so the value will be ascii number character value*/
movq $msg+15, %r11 /*the digit location within string*/
movb %r15b, (%r11) /*store the digit at the location*/
jmp print /*go to the subroutine print*/
movq $0, %rdx /*initialize rdx to 0 for division*/
movq %r10, %rax /*store the r10 value into rax for division*/
div %r9 /*divide rax value by 10(r9)*/
movq %rax, %r14 /*store the rax value(quotient) into r14*/
movq %rdx, %r15 /*store the rdx value(remainder) int r15*/
add $'0', %r14 /*add '0' to r14 so the value will be ascii number character value*/
add $'0', %r15 /*add '0' to r15 so the value will be ascii number character value*/
movq $msg+14, %r11 /*the digit location within string*/
movb %r14b, (%r11) /*store the digit at the location*/
movq $msg+15, %r12 /*the digit loctaion within string*/
movb %r15b, (%r12) /*store the digit at the location*/
jmp print /*go to the subroutine print*/
movq $len,%rdx /* message length */
movq $msg,%rsi /* message location */
movq $1,%rdi /* file descriptor stdout */
movq $1,%rax /* syscall sys_write */
inc %r12b
inc %r10 /*increment loop index*/
cmp $max, %r10 /*compare the max with r10*/
jne loop /*if the max value and the r10(loop index) value is not equal,*/
/* redo the loop subroutine*/
movq $0,%rdi /* exit status */
movq $60,%rax /* syscall sys_exit */
.section .data
msg: .ascii "Loop: \n"
len = . - msg
min = 0
max = 10
division = 10
It is relatively straight-forward to get the loop to print a list of 'Loop: ', but it is very difficult to figure out how to make the loop to print 'Loop: 0', 'Loop: 1', ..., 'Loop: 9', 'Loop: 10'. The challenging parts include to show the digit and to show only the second digit but not to show as 'Loop: 00', 'Loop: 01' ... 'Loop: 09'.
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