DEV Community

Developer Vs. Engineer

Rachel Soderberg on June 16, 2019

dih-vel-uh-per A person or thing that develops or innovates. en-juh-neer A person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of...
someguydev profile image

I find it hilarious how these 12 week bootcamp grads claim to be "software engineers" lol. When in reality they know 0 about software engineering... I feel bad for the real engineers

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

Yea, I try not to let them get under my skin. I went to school for five years to be standing where I am today, and I don't even consider myself a software engineer (though I would consider some of what I do on the job to be engineering).

kelvinokuroemi profile image

Hi Rachel, thanks for your blog, apart from data structures and algorithms, are there other things I can learn to help me develop an engineering approach to software?

Just curious, thanks.

livanjimenez profile image
Livan Jimenez

Just wanted to point out that

"Most, if not all, engineers in other fields are required to pass exams and obtain specific certifications before they can find proper employment in their field."

Is not true. I know mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and industrial engineers who do not have a PE or ever taken the FE exam.
The only engineering field that requires you to have taken your FE then eventually get a PE is civil because they tend to go into construction.

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

Oh, interesting! I'll admit, I am not entirely familiar with breaking into other fields, I was going off what I've heard in different discussion forums and whatnot on the topic. I'll modify my statement, thanks for the correction!

livanjimenez profile image
Livan Jimenez

Yeah only reason why I know this is because of my formal engineering degree. Whenever I took multidisciplinary courses and they spoke about becoming an engineer (legally) you must take the FE then PE exam. Honestly, I don't think there is much information out there on who really needs a PE license besides those vaguely written articles.
Anyway, I'm glad I was able to help!

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

Yo what about DevOps :)

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

I actually am not familiar with that title! What's the typical day to day for devops?

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

You described it in Dev and Engineer section.

We (DevOps Engineers) do both. 😃 Bit of coding, bit of infrastructure, mostly all around automating everything to help Devs And Ops make life easier.

Thread Thread
rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

I see, that's pretty cool! I googled it and found some more information too - sounds like a really interesting engineering career path!

aarzoonaeem profile image
Aarzoo Naeem
