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Rahul Patel
Rahul Patel

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Learn Full-Stack Development: Part 3 - Mastering Advance JS

Welcome to the Full-Stack Development Series! In this part, we’ll dive deep into Advanced JavaScript. By the end of this 10-day challenge, you'll have mastered essential JavaScript concepts that are pivotal for building powerful, high-performance applications.

Day 1: Refreshing JavaScript Foundations

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Modern JavaScript Syntax (ES6+):
      • let and const: Block scoping and immutability.
      • Arrow functions: Simplified syntax, implicit return, and this differences.
      • Template literals, default parameters, and shorthand object properties.
    2. JavaScript Runtime:
      • How JavaScript runs in browser and Node.js environments.
      • Event loop basics: Stack, queue, and asynchronous task processing.
    3. Role of the V8 engine and JavaScript performance.
  • Task:

    1. Write scripts using let, const, and arrow functions.
    2. Use console.time to measure execution times for synchronous and asynchronous tasks.

Day 2: Functions and Closures

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Function Declarations vs. Expressions.
    2. Closures: Understanding scope retention and real-world use cases.
    3. Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) for scope isolation.
  • Task:

    1. Create a closure-based counter with increment, decrement, and reset functionality.
    2. Rewrite a program using an IIFE to avoid global scope pollution.

Day 3: Objects and Prototypes

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Creating Objects using literals, constructors, and Object.create().
    2. Property descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable).
    3. Prototypes and the prototype chain.
  • Task:

    1. Create a prototype-based object hierarchy.
    2. Implement method overriding in a prototype chain.

Day 4: Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Classes in ES6: constructor, instance methods, and static methods.
    2. Inheritance using extends and super.
    3. Private properties using symbols or #.
  • Task:

    1. Build a class hierarchy: Vehicle > Car > ElectricCar with overridden methods.
    2. Implement a class with private properties for sensitive data.

Day 5: Advanced Array and Object Handling

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Destructuring and default values.
    2. Spread and rest operators for merging and copying.
    3. Array methods: map, filter, reduce, find, every, and some.
  • Task:

    1. Group an array of numbers into even and odd categories using reduce.
    2. Merge multiple objects using the spread operator.

Day 6: Asynchronous JavaScript Basics

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Promises: .then, .catch, and .finally.
    2. Async/Await: Cleaner syntax for handling promises.
    3. Error handling with try...catch.
  • Task:

    1. Fetch data from an API (e.g., JSONPlaceholder) using Promises and Async/Await.
    2. Create a promise-based function to simulate an API delay.

Day 7: Advanced Asynchronous Patterns

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Combining Promises with Promise.all and Promise.race.
    2. Microtasks vs. Macrotasks: Understanding event loop priorities.
  • Task:

    1. Simulate loading multiple images using Promise.all.
    2. Demonstrate microtask prioritization using queueMicrotask.

Day 8: Debugging and Error Handling

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Types of errors: Syntax, runtime, and logical.
    2. Debugging tools: Breakpoints, call stack analysis, and variable watches.
    3. Creating custom error classes.
  • Task:

    1. Create a custom error class for validating user input.
    2. Debug a sample application using browser DevTools.

Day 9: Performance and Memory Management

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Memory management basics: Heap, stack, and garbage collection.
    2. Preventing memory leaks.
    3. Optimization techniques:
      • Avoiding excessive DOM manipulation.
      • Using debounce and throttle.
      • Lazy loading and efficient rendering.
  • Task:

    1. Profile and optimize an event listener using debounce and throttle.
    2. Use Chrome DevTools to analyze memory usage.

Day 10: Currying and Partial Application

  • Topics Covered:

    1. Currying: Transforming functions with multiple arguments into a sequence of single-argument functions.
    2. Partial application: Pre-setting some arguments for reuse.
  • Task:

    1. Write a curried function to calculate the volume of a box: volume(length)(width)(height).
    2. Create a partially applied function for discount calculation:
     function calculateTotal(price, discount, tax) {
       return price - price * discount + tax;
  1. Implement reusable curried functions for string manipulation, such as trimming, converting to uppercase, and appending a suffix.

Final Task: Advanced JavaScript Application

  • Objective: Build a comprehensive JavaScript-based application:
    1. Use closures, promises, and async/await for functionality.
    2. Implement OOP principles with classes.
    3. Optimize performance using debounce and throttle.
    4. Debug and profile the app for memory and CPU usage.

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